i need space

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It's been almost a week since Justin and I have talked about having sex im still a little horny but I can handle it. It's on and off. And Justin has been acting wired.

I wake up for school not wanting to go I literally roll off my bed and land on the floor I see under my bed I have blue checkerd pajama pants I grab them and put them on with a black shirt and grab a big grey blanket wrap it around my body and go down stairs I didn't even do my hair. I see my dad feeding my little brother Henry he looked at me from head to toe " you're not going to school like that are you" I am" I replied he looked at me as if I was crazy and wired I smiled and walked out the door.

I got in my car and started driving I realized I forgot my backpack oh well I thought to myself I wasn't going to do any work anyway.

I pull into a parking spot get out and walk into the school I see the gang standing by my locker.
Bryce: dang rough start
Raegan: nah just lazy
They laughed at me
Raegan: wheres my boyfriend Ryan I said opening my locker
Ryan: how am I supposed to know he's your boyfriend
Raegan: but do I live with him I said getting sassy and grabbing my headphones
Kale: there he is I looked at saw him walking to us I closed my locker and opened my arms with the blanket still on me "hey" I said pulling him to me "hi" he said muffled against my chest I wrapped my arms around him witch caused the blanket to cover him.
Justin: you look like you just woke up he said still hugging me
Raegan: yeah lazy day
Justin let go of me but I still had my arm warapped around his waist. He took his arm and moved my arm from his body and took like two steps away from me.
Justin: I'mma go to the bathroom he said kinda wired
Raegan: are you ok want me to come with I said getting closer
Justin: no no I'm fine he said backing up from me
Raegan: you sure
Justin: yes I'll meet you in class
Raegan: um alright I love you
Justin: yeah uh I love you too he said quickly and speed walking to the bathroom
Kale: what's wrong with him
Raegan: I have no idea he's been acting wired.

Justin's POV
I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and looked in the mirror. Ever since I found out that Raegan wants to start having sex it feels like every little thing he does is sexual or likes he's trying to get me in the mood. I know that sounds stupid but that's just how I feel.

I pull myself together and go to class. I walk in and see raegan sitting in the back we have assigned seats and my seat is right next to his. I walked over to my seat and acted like I was adjusted my seat but I moved it away from raegan a little and sat down.
Raegan: you good
Justin: yeah I said in a duh type of way
Raegan: Justin come closer he said pulling me closer to him
I figured I didn't have to be cautious at school he can't be anything here. I let him pull me closer to him. I looked at him and gave him a half smile he smiled back at me.
Raegan: you ok you've been distant with me lately. He said putting his arm around my lower back
Justin: yeah I'm fine he nodded and leanded to kiss me I turned my head and he kissed my cheek I felt him smile
Raegan: why have you been doing that lately he said laughing and kissing my check again. I giggled with him.


Raegan and I walked to lunch I felt bad cause I have been distant with him and I haven't even giving him an explanation as we walk I grab his and and locker our hands together he looks at me and smiles.

We sit down and just laugh and talk with the guys at the table I then feel raegans hand on my thigh witch didn't bother me cause he always puts his hand there he started going up higher to my area and griping me I looked down and could see the boulge in his pants.

This kinda made me mad first he says he'll wait till I'm ready and then he's actually trying to make a move at school I moved his hands off of my leg and looked at him he smirked what the hell I thought he put his hand back and got even closer to my area I stood up and yelled at him to stop and walked to the bathroom.

Seconds later raegan walked in
Raegan: Justin
Justin: stop raegan
Raegan: Justin please
Justin: just please don't
Raegan: I'm sorry he said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me close to him
Justin: raegan...please....leave me alone
Raegan: Justin he said almost a whisper
Justin: I needed space
Raegan: for how long
Justin: i don't know I said walking to the door
Raegan: Justin...I love you I stopped walking I obviously love him but I just can't say it right now
Justin: yeah you too is all I could say
Raegan: text me I nodded and walked out and just avoided raegan for the rest of the day.


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