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Raegans POV
I woke up the next morning with a head ache and my vision being blurry I realized that I was hungover god I missed waking up like this I went to the bathroom threw up everything I consumed. I went back to my room and went to my bathroom room took a sip of vodka grabbed a blunt and hoped in the shower.

I got out of the shower and layed on my bed in black and red basketball shorts. I began to think about my love. Justin. And how if he found out he would be pissed maybe I need to go back to therapy.

It's been about 5 hours into the school day but of course I'm not there because I'm suspended 3 more hours then I get to see my baby. I've been trying to get drinking and smoking out of my system until I see him so I guess I've been doing it all day I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so I'm not drunk.

I woke up at 3:45 school just got out I went to my dad's room to look for my phone and told Justin to come over he said he would I put the my phone back and put on cologne and brushed my teeth so I won't smell like weed alcohol and cigs.

I heard a knock at the door I knew it was Justin I walked to the door and made sure to check myself before opening the door.
Justin and I hung out for awhile not really doing much Justin talking getting to know one another better. I decided I should tell Justin something that I don't really go around telling people and it's not that I'm trans he knows already and I know that he's trans too. But I have to tell him that I'm bipolar. I pushed it off long enough he's my boyfriend he deserves to know.
Raegan: Justin I started
Justin: mhm he said looking at me
Raegan: I have to tell you something kinda serious...I mean it just depends how you look and I really don't want you to get mad that I didn't tell you sooner. Or be afraid. My eyes started to water shit this shows weakness I thought to myself. A tear that I was trying to hold back fell Justin saw and came closer to me holding my hand.
Justin:what's wrong babe
Raegan: I looked back at him I'm uh. I couldn't even get the words out
Justin: what is babe he said holding my hand tighter he seems so concerned I really can trust him I thought
Raegan: I'm bipolar
I regretted saying that a little his grip in my hand lossed put he was till holding it his face was shocked more tears fell Justin just pulled me close to him and held me. He calmed me down while playing with my hair and told me that it was ok and he's not scared of me
Justin: why would I be afraid of you I love you
Raegan: I know I love you too but I've done somethings in the past that I'm not proud of I've hurt people broken things ran away been admitted to a mental hospital multiple times. Justin cut me off
Justin: raegan stop...I love you..so much nothing will change that.
I was so worried for nothing I should have know that Justin won't be mad that I didn't tell him and that he would be supportive.
Raegan: I love you too Justin. Justin leaned in and kissed me it was sweet I smiled into the kiss witch made Justin smile.

Justin went home like about 30 minutes ago I'm so happy to have Justin in my life to help me with life. I smiling like an idiot but my smile fadded when I realized what next week was. I was so I decided to go to sleep (you'll fin out what next week is in the next chapter).
End of raegans POV

Justins POV
I went home and went up to my room and sighed and layed I'm my bed. My dad came and knocked on the door.
Justin:come in
David: we are going back to Minnesota for a visit in two days we will be there for about 4 days. I was so happy I miss my mom and my brother and friends
Justin: should I start packing
David: yeah you should
He left I started packing I packed very fast I don't know why. I realized that I would have to leave raegan I didn't want to leave him tho. I finished packing and went to bed.

Enjoy and if you didn't know raegan is bipolar in real life...PEACE!!!!!!

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