meet him

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We're all together at Applebee's (idk just go with it) laughing and talking the waiter brings our food and I get a text from raegan. It said "hey babe I miss you♥️" I blushed at my phone that's his first time calling me babe. I guess my dad saw me blushing "what are you blushing at" he asked chuckling a little I stopped blushing quick. "It's probably cause of raegan" he said in a mocking voice "that's your boyfriend" my dad said "wait isn't raegan your best friend" Ryan's dad asked he nodded "doesn't he have a girlfriend" his dad asked again "they broke up" Ryan answerd. " So he is your boyfriend" I nodded blushing covering my face with my sleeve. "When can I meet him" my dad asked "soon" I replied.
*Time skip
I'm at home right now playing with my little cousins in the kid room that's in the basement we were having then my phone rang I was raegan ( their convo they are on the phone not texting)

Raegan: hey baby
Raegan:are you ok
Justin: yeah just playing with my little cousins
Raegan: oh sorry should I call you later
Justin: nah it's ok their having fun by them selves... Hey uh my dad wants to meet you
Raegan: ok cool when ( Justin already met raegan's parents)
Justin: uhh whenever your not busy
Raegan: I'm not busy now I can meet him then we can just hang out
Justin: alright but there is a lot of people that live in my house and it's never quite here I kinda giggled at the end if my sentence witch made him giggle
Raegan: alright I'll be over soon
Justin: alright bye
Raegan: bye

I ran upstairs and told my dad raegan was coming over he was sitting in his office doing work
David: alright can't wait to meet him
*Time skip*
I heard the door bell ring my aunt was about to answer the door but I pushed past her and answered it I said sorry to her I think I scared her a little. I forgot how tall raegan was and I opened the door to be looking at his stomach chest area instead of this face I picked my head up to be looking at his face "hey babe" hi" I said peaking his lips I turned around and saw my aunt was still there. (Let just say her name is Amy) "uh raegan this aunt amy, amy this is my boyfriend raegan" he shook her hand smiling "hi Nice to meet you" he said "you too" then there was a bang and loud screaming my aunt and I were used to that but it scared raegan a little my aunt exused herself "what was that" raegan asked holding his heart "cousins" I replied. My dad walked in and said  "you must be raegan" he said shaking his hand. We talked for awhile. And then raegan and I went to my room. We basically meet everyone in my house "so your family is uh there uh" loud I know" you get used to it I guess" I have to go now" he said "we didn't even get to talk you talked to my family most if the time" I know I'm sorry" but I do". I walked him to the door I hugged him and peaked his lips. I turned around and saw all the adults in my family smiling like idots "what" I asked "we really like him" they said "good I like him too" you should keep him" they said as I walk up the stairs "I replied with "I plain to" I made it to my room laughing a little "well that went well" i thought to myself

I'm done for the day.... PEACE

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