ill help you

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Justin's POV
I woke up a minute before my alarm went off I turned my alarm off so it wouldn't go off. I got off my bed and looked at the bags I packed I forgot I have to leave raegan soon.  the house was quite that weird its never quit here. I went down stairs to see now one I walked into my dad's office he was on the phone talking to someone. I went to Ryan's room he wasn't their I went to the kitchen and there was breakfast made and dirty dishes in the sink I guess everyone ate and left.

I got to school and went to my locker and found Damon we went to class. I told him I was leaving to go back to Minnesota for a couple of days. Damon and I got close quick I guess that's good he's really nice.

I walked in the cafeteria and went where I normally sit with the gang.

Kale: how is raegan
Justin: he's ok
Justin: he's just stressed he was smoking yesterday when I said that everyone froze
Justin: what I was so confused
Kale: what was he smoking
Justin: cigarettes they all wispered "shit"
Justin: what I said again
Kale: Ryan you tell him
Ryan: me no way
Ryan: Bryce
Bryce: hey I don't know him as well as you guys do I just meet him last year
Kale: fine y'all some pussys
Kale: you know raegan is bipolar right
Justin: yeah
Kale:ok so he used to be a heavy smoker and a big alcoholic he did a lot of bad things he been arrested but because he's bipolar they put him in a mental hospital. He's hurt himself  and others. I didn't know it was this serious
Kale: Justin you have to tell his dad and please try to get him to stop or go back to therapy you can't let him go back to his old self.
Justin: ok I'll try
Kale: and be patient with him this is gonna be a rough week for him
Justin:what do you mean
Kale: he didn't tell him he said looking at the guys
Justin:tell me what
Kale: we are gonna let him tell you..just make sure you stay with him this week as much as you can
Justin:ill try um going back to Minnesota Thursday (it's Tuesday) they froze again
Kale:shit this is really gonna be hard on him
I was confused it's like I don't even know raegan I guess he'll tell me when he's ready.

*At raegans*

I pull into raegans drive way no other cars just his so he's home alone I walk up and knock on the door.

Raegan: hey baby he said pulling me into a hug he smelled of alcohol  and cigs damn it I thought
Raegan: I didn't know you were coming over
Justin: I just needed to talk to you
Raegan you ok he said closing the door
Justin: yeah I just....need to talk we went to sit on the couch
Justin: um kale told me some stuff
Raegan: what kind of stuff I was scared to say this for someone reason
Justin: about your past and the stuff you used to do
Raegan: oh uh what about it
Justin: your sill smoking aren't you raegan didn't say anything he just looked down
Justin: you have to stop what if you become your old self again
Raegan: what if I want to be my old self again he said looking up at me kinda evil
Justin: don't say that
Raegan: Justin I need help I'm sorry now raegan is crying
Raegan: your right I don't want to be my old sefl I'm sorry. He just kept saying sorry and crying into my shoulder.

Raegan finally calmed down
Justin: mabye you should go back to therapy
Raegans head shot up
Raegan: no please.. please don't make me
Justin: it'll help you...please just try to go again
Raegan: will you go with me
Justin: of course if you want me to
Raegan smiled.

Raegan and I decided to go to his lounge the smell of cigs alcohol and weed hit me I sighed in disappointment. I walked over to the couch where raegan was I out my head in his lap laying down. And turned the TV on. Raegan began to move a little then I heard a lighter.

Justin: raegan beast!!! I yelled sitting up angry
Raegan: what
Justin: what did we just talk about he looked at the cig then back at me
Raegan: you meant to quit right now I nodded in like a "duh" type of way
I took the cigs from him and put it out
Raegan: just try it it he said taking it back and lighting it
Justin: no
Raegan: come on I gave in and took it from his hand I put it in between my lips and inhaled the smoke. And then exhaled. I smiled and then raegan chucked as he lit one for himself. I know this is bad and I shouldn't be encouraging this but I don't know.

We countined to watch the show raegan was about to go on to this fourth cig when I stopped him.
Justin:babe that's enough
Raegan: ok he said putting it down.
Raegan: baby my dad is gonna be home soon and I'm not supposed to have anyone over
I nodded I glanced at the box of cigs sitting next to him I grabbed them and got up he walked me to the door we made out at the door for about two minutes and then I went home.

I walked to the door and was greeted by my dad.
David: hey kid where you been
Justin with raegan
David: Justin have you been smoking "shit" I thought to myself
David: you skip school and now smoking I'm starting to think raegan isn't the best for you
Justin: no he is best for me I skipped and smoked just because i wanted to raegan didn't even know I smoked.
David: don't do it again I already don't like you vapping no need to put more chemicals in your body. Now got to your room please I'll come get you when dinner is ready.
I nodded and headed up stairs. I took the cigs I took from raegan and hid then in my underwear drawer and went to take a shower I guess I smelled like cigarettes. I got out the shower in just shorts and layed on my bed until my dad called me down. I thought about how I was gonna help raegan I can't keep smoking with him and I can't act like I'm ok with what he's doing. I love him so much and I wanna help him and this is not gonna be easy. I would never leave raegan for doing what he's doing. If you love someone you'll make it work.

Enjoy..... PEACE!!!!

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