Justin's birthday

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*Time skip Justins birthday*

I wake up Friday morning my birthday finally. I see that raegan texted me at 12:00 last night saying happy birthday I chuckled at my phone (I say chuckled a lot sorry)
Put my phone on my bed and got in the shower. At the end of my shower I was rinsing off I heard people like really close to me I opened my shower curtain and my when family yelled happy birthday with a cake " what are you doing" saying happy birthday" my dad said "k well can you wait till I'm out if the shower please God" sure they said walked out closing the door. I kinda laughed cause it was funny.
I got out of the shower and put black jeans on a plain black shirt black hat and shoes yep all black.
I go down stairs and there is a piece of cake where I sit with a present and card "this for me" I said "well if you don't want I'll take it Ryan said taking some of the frosting off my cake.
I ate the cake read the card and opened my gift it was a new pair of shoes.
I got to school and was greeted by people saying happy birthday to me people I didn't even know. I got to my locker and it was decorated with a birthday balloon and a card. I smiled at it and opened my locker there was a boque of roses and chocolate in my locker this was so sweet. Raegan probably did this. Then I felt two strong arm wrap around my waist and a kiss on my check "happy birthday babe" raegan of course. I turned around and hug him thanks . " You like what we did" we" I was confused " yeah me and the guys did this I look and saw the guys across the hall I said thank you and they said you're welcome.
School was going by fast I guess. everyone was being really nice I guess cause it was my birthday. I didn't know how everyone knew me all of a sudden I guess beacause I'm dating raegan and he's pretty popular.
It's the end of the day and I was about to go home raegan Wanted to take me to the mall so I agreed I went home and freshend up a little he picked me up and we drove to the mall. He said I could get anything I wanted I didn't really like this cause I felt bad but he wasn't taking no for an answer. We went to hot topic and I found two shirts I was trying to figure out witch one to get "just get both" I looked at raegan " you sure" he nodded I took both the shirts and and found a grey and black hoodie I took it looked at the price and put it back " you don't like it I like it" yeah but it's expensive" he walked over and looked at the price "it's $60 get it" are you sure" I asked "stop asking me that I don't care what you get if it's what you want" but it's expensive" I grew up rich I'll tell when something is expensive" he said grabbing the hoodie. " You good we checking out" I'm good".
We walked out of the store and raegan said he was Hungry so we went to the food court "you're not going to eat" nah I'm good Im not hungry" he nodded we went to a couple more stores cause raegan wanted to buy stuff for himself. He drove me home it's sun set now. "Thank you this was great" yeah of course" he kissed me on the cheek I blushed a little. I got out of the car and went inside I leaned back in the door " you get some" Ryan asked " Ryan....enough" his dad said I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs. And literally passed out on my bed.

Two updates in one day hahaha....PEACE!!!!

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