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*Justin's POV*
Raegan and I were cuddling on the couch watching shameless (I love shameless lol) the episode was almost over but I got a text from Ryan saying that the whole family was gonna go out for a late lunch early dinner and my dad wanted me home I sighed and looked at raegan he was so focused on the show.
Raegan: mmm he said still looking at the TV
Justin: I have to go I said trying to get off of him
Raegan: nooo stay he whined pulling me back down on him
Justin:I can't I said trying to escape his grip
Raegan:*sighed and rolled his eyes and lossen his grip*
Justin:thank you I said getting up and walking to the door with raegan following close behind me
Raegan: so why do you have to leave again
Justin: going out to eat with family to ketch up ig.
Raegan: *nodded*
Justin: you should come so we can tell them we're dating. He slightly smiled shaking his head no
Raegan: no it's a family thing you go and call me when you're done.
Justin:are you sure.
Raegan:*nodded smiling*
We kissed and I tried to pull away put he kept giving me little kisses
Justin: rea *kiss* gan
He kept kissing me holding my waist and the back of my head
Raegan: alright you can go he said letting me go i smiled at him and went to my car and drove home.

When I got home I was greeted by Ryan who looked like he just ate a pound of sugar he hammered me with questions
Ryan: so where have you been? With raegan? Are y'all daiting? Well? He was speaking so fast I guess I should tell him I thought to myself.

Short I know sorry in class update soon....PEACE!!!!!

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