I Had To

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 The picture is blurry but Taylor Lautner plays Jared.

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“No!” I screamed in a high pitch thunder. “No! No, please! No!” I cried as I screamed. Tears were falling from my red and puffy eyes and trailing down the my red face, tracing the purple and blue bruises. The undying tears mixed with the thick red blood coming from my lip and dripped off my face, staining my clothes.


I heard an evil and deep laugh come from Calvins throat. “Aw.” He slowly walked towards me. “Poor, poor you.” He smiled. “You sit in my house and you watch my t.v.” He picked up a beer from the table and brought it to his mouth. He gulped half of the bottle down and took it from his mouth. “You eat my food and then you sleep on my bed in my house.” Calvin started to come closer, his angered eyes making me coward back against the wall.


Then all of a sudden Harry started to come closer to me, anger making me coward against the wall. I blinked my eyes a few times confused.


Harry changed back into Calvin.


Calvin tried to stumble but sadly caught himself on the edge of the table. He took another sip of beer and continued his way to me. He was only a few centimeters away from me. I could smell the terrible scent of alcohol escaping from his body. Calvin put his arms up to the wall, hovering over me.


I blinked once and opened my eyes.


It was Harry. Harry was hovering over me, arms out to the wall. I started to cry. Before my very eyes Harry had turned back into Calvin.


“Worthless!” He thundered. As he yelled he took his fist, in which the glass beer bottle was in, and punched me in the face full force, causing the bottle to break on my head. I screamed and fell to the ground along with the shattered pieces of glass. Calvin stomped off into the distance as I cried, blood pouring down every inch of my head, now. I then felt dizzy and blacked out.


“Avery… Av… Baby sister.” I opened my wet eyes. My oldest brother Jared was staring at me. I got up and sat in the middle of my bed afraid of the dream - the mix together flashbacks I had just had. I was trying to breathe normally, or at least a little but it was very difficult.


I was hyperventilating. My stomach was doubling over.


“Are you okay?” My brother asked sitting beside me. “Can you hand me that and turn it on?” I asked pointing to the oxygen tank and mask sitting on the floor. He quickly got up and turned the oxygen tank on.


He grabbed the mask and put it to my nose and mouth as he slid behind me in bed. He pulled me to him and laid me down on his bare chest, one hand stroking my hair the other holding the oxygen mask to my face.

So he thinks he's a Bad boy? (Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now