I'm Going To Get Her

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One Month later - Christmas day

A month later and Harry and I are perfection. Jonathan and I have still been going to war at school and I honestly can't stand him anymore. We wouldn't even be having problems if he would have just excepted the fact that I broke up with his sorry butt instead of trying to make my school life terrible - which isn't even working. Josh and I haven't really talked to much. I see him staring at me quite a lot actually, like he wants to talk to me but he never does. Sometimes I think that I should go up to him first but I don't know what to say to him. I don't really have anything to say to him.

My mother and Calvin finally got divorced for real this time so I moved back in with my family. Everything is great at home except, you know, my mom still can't stand Harry.

Today is Christmas and since my mom, brothers, and I haven't seen my family in New Jersey and Tennessee(or where ever else they're from) my mom bought them all plain tickets to come to L.A. this Christmas. It was pretty cool of her to do that considering the amount of money she must of pulled out of her bank account but it was for family, so I guess it was fine.

"Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" Vinny screamed in my face as he pressed against my chest seemingly tried to bring me back to life. I opened my eyes, "I'm up!" He got up and jumped on my bed. "It's Christmas!" I rubbed my eyes and threw the sheets off of me, now alive.

"Santa!" I screamed making him scream as well.

Christmas is the time when we act like complete four year olds. I mean, your supposed too. How can you not? My mother is the best because even though we all know Santa isn't real, she still writes "Santa" on some of the presents, letting me and my brothers think Santa is real.

Me and my brother shot down the hall banging and kicking every bedroom door, screaming about Santa and Baby Jesus and the family - everything and anything to really wake them up.

It wasn't hard to wake my brothers up. It was only seconds after Vinny and I banged on their doors until they came out of their rooms. My mother on the other hand took a couple of minutes.

We all shot down the stairs excited to see our gifts. Everyone was happy, like usual on Christmas.


At around three my family started arriving from their hotels, bringing their bagged, boxed, and wrapped gifts to plant under the decorated Christmas tree, taking and expanding the place of the personal presents my family and I had opened this morning. Along with every gift came baskets and pans of home made food(im guessing they bought groceries an cooked at the hotels). We of course made the meat. I'm glad my house is big because my god, I have a humongous family.

Four is when everyone actually arrived. My house was filled with people that looked like me, talked like me, and thought like
me. Chatter filled every main floor room and laughter followed closely in it's foot steps. The scent of peppermint and gingerbread flooded the the house giving off the correct Christmas aroma.

I thought of inviting Harry but thought I might do it later on considering he probably doesn't watn to meet my family... And I don't blame him.

My family is crazy.

My cousins and I sat in the family room and played video games as my uncles watched the football game on ESPN. I could already hear them screaming and arguing about the game. My auntie's, grandparents, and mother scattered themselves along the kitchen as they warmed up their home made previously cooked buffet.

I walked into the kitchen, gliding between the other women to get to my Aunt Lin. I gave her the oven mitts she asked me for. "Thanks Avery."

"Hey! Hey! What's that?" I heard my grandfather ask my Aunt Rosalinda. "Nothing!" She said swatting his hand away from the covered tray of food she held in one hand. "Oh, well, who needs you anyway.... What's that?!" He said pointing to the potato salad his first daughter(my aunt) Danielle brushed past him. "Dad, just wait! The foods not going anywhere!"

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