This is how I Like Things

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"I cannot believe you got me sent to jail!"

"Gabriella, you've been complaining for the whole to two hours!"

I sat against the cold medal walls with my butt on the cold metal floor. Everything was cold, but for some reason I liked it. It was like a good kind of cold... to me at least. Sitting on this prison cell floor with my back against the wall, waiting for someone to pick me up reminded me of old times. Good old times...

I traced my equally temperatured freezing finger over the scratches on the floor. All the memories of being back in New Jersey with my old friends haunted me, leaving homesick left behind.

Homesick. I am so homesick.

Moving somewhere totally different might be something that many people go through, but having to move somewhere totally different and have to change basically all of who you are because your mother and therapist think it would be good for you... thats just... complicated.

Too complicated.

Besides Grabriella sitting on the other side of the cell moaning rather loudly every three seconds, everything was peaceful. Who knows. Maybe thats why this placing is so comforting.

"I'm hear to pick up Avery Knight." I hear a sweat familiar voice say. My mother sounded tired. Exhausted, actually. Probably disappointed in me, again. I can just imagine how things might go for her when she has to do these things for me.

'Oh, i'm sorry. I have to leave work early to go pick my daughter up from jail, again.'

My mother shouldn't have to go through that. Everything is just so... so depressing in jail. And sad. And empty. Sounds like someone I know.

Someone like me.

Gabriella basically clung to the metal bars like a magnet. "Mrs. Knight. Mrs. Knight you have to get me out of here. My parents will murder me piece by piece!" My mother walked up to the cell and smiled warmly. "I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty sure it wasn't your fault anyway." she said glancing at me and walking back over to the officer at the desk.

After ten minutes of my mother signing papers an officer unlocked the door. Gabriella was out and basically tackling my mother with a hug before the man even slid the cell door fully open.

"Thank you, Ma-mi!" she screamed. My mother laughed sweetly, "Go on you two. I'm taking you home."

~.~ ~.~ ~.~

"Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Knight." Gabriella said before exiting the car. "By Avery." Before Gabriella got in the house my mother rolled the window down. "And Gabriella..." Gabriella turned around. "Don't let Avery get you in trouble anymore, please." Gabriella gave me an uncertain face, smiled, and than went in her house.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~

I lay in the dark room, facing the ceiling. Nearly four in the morning but I still don't feel like sleeping. My mother and I hadn't said one single word about the incident. Niether of us had anything to say. Nothing at all. 

Harry's P.O.V.

I called Avery's mother and gave her the news that she had got sent to the jail for holding. Mrs. Knight didn't ask much questions. Not even what happened. It was like it would pain her to know. She didn't panic when I had her on the line either. It was more like she was used to it or expected it.

I couldn't sleep that night.

I know why Avery started that fight, but she should of let me get locked up instead of her and her friend. I started everything yet she took the blame and I only got detention. However, non of this is why I am still awake.

Why did she take the blame for me?

No one ever does that. Most of the time people want me in jail or anywhere where they aren't. This question was haunting me throughout the night.

Pretty soon I started thinking about Avery and that guy. The more I did the more I hated him and the more I loved Avery. After thinking about 'him' I started thinking about Avery. The more I thought about her, the more I wanted her in my arms.

At four in the morning I found myself walking out the door and climbing up the pipe to Avery's window.

Avery's P.O.V.

I heard light tapping on my window making me jump. Looking over I see Harry summoning me over. I get up and open the window.

"Um... Hi?" I said smiling. I will always love this boy. Acting like he's Romeo and i'm Juliet, climbing up the side of peoples houses to a window in the middle of the night. "I'm sleeping with you."

And than he says that.

I raise my eyebrows. "What?" he says diving onto my snow white king sized bed. "You are so weird."  He smirked. "But I know you love me. Come on."

I got in the bed and layed down. Harry pulled me over to him and layed me on his big, soft chest hugging me like only he could. "We are talking about this tomorrow." I looked up at him knowing exactly what he was talking about. I expected him to do that. "Thanks for ruining the moment." I said earning a deep chuckle from him. I could feel the vibrations from his chest on my head.

Now, this is how I like things.

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