I Like Him Better This Way.

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"Josh?" I questioned.

He smirked quietly. I could feel his hot breathe on the back of my neck causing goose bumps to surround my back. "Its been a long time, Avery." He murmured.

I just stared through the reflexion of the mirror into his eyes. His filled with amusement, mine filled with horror. As much as I tried I couldn't look away from the brown orbs holding my attention so well, burning a hole through me. So many questions. I have so many things to say but right now I am speechless, with nothing to say.

Nothing at all. It was as if our eyes were talking for us.

It seemed like we were staring at each other for years but in reality we hadn't seen each other in years. "Avery, is that you?" A voice said climbing up the stairs. Our heads snapped towards the manly shadow coming towards us from the light.

The lights snapped on leaving a clicking noise to echo through the hallway. Relief came over me. Harry was standing there with his hand on the light switch.

I was no longer afraid. Fear had been removed from every part of my body... Almost every part of my body... my hips. Pain. I felt pain. Pain that led from my hips up to my chest. The hurt did not come from the rather large guy standing behind me with his hands at my hip bones -atleast not physically- anymore. It was simply his touch. It killed me inside. I couldn't take it. I saw Harrys eyes fill with anger.

I fled.

I flew passed Harry and down the stairs. Shuffling through the dance floor I managed to grab a drink from some poor souls hand. Chugging it down I through the red cup on the dirt stained rug, I reached the door.

Swinging the door open I pedalled past a few new comers and set on my way to walk home.

I know I shouldn't of ran out like that. I know I shouldn't of just left but I could not help myself. Setting eyes on Josh is something I could live without. I knew he went to my school. I knew I had a high chance of seeing him but I did not know that I would have to see him this way... by the element of surprise!

Tears started flowing from my eyes as memories of our passed evens, both happy and sad, ran through my mind. Tear after tear after tear. No matter how much I tried to stop I couldn't.

I felt like... me. The old me.

Smoking cigarettes, walking home after drinking, sobbing my way through the streets. It was like I never went through a reformation. I was just the same old terrible party girl. Always drunk, always high, and always looking for trouble.

After calming down a bit the tears began to lighten up. I wiped under my eyes to make sure not to wipe my makeup off and proseited walking. After a while I felt the cold hit my bare tan skin. Goosebumps formed through out my body.

Harrys P.O.V.

I turn the lights on and what do I fucking see? Avery. Thats who I fucking see. Avery and some other son of a bitch... with his hands all over her ass!

What the fuck.

Anger starts to flow out of my pores and Avery can deffinetly see it. It was as if she knew I was going to yell at her but before I could say anything she left. Just like that. I stood there just staring at this random fucking shirtless guy.

He turned to me and smirked. The grin on his face descusted me. "Who are you?" He gawked.

I took my hand off the light switch. Blowing hot air out of my nose I slowly began to walk towards him as I talked.

"I am her boyfriend." I said gaining jelousy and anger my the second. I was about three inches away from him when I stopped walking but I continued on screaming. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

He nodded his head slowly and smiled. "Your her boyfriend?" He hit the tip of his first finger on my chest slightly pushing me back. "Im her boyfriend." He said smiling. The whole time. All he fucking did was fucking smile. How the hell could he?

I was passed anger. I was hurt but never will I admit it. Something died inside of me. Something also errupted. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know how to deal with it. I've never felt anything like this before and I sort of want to cry. But I won't.

Harry. Styles. Does. Not. Cry.

I delt with it the only way I knew how to. Blacking out for a second I lunged forward, stamming him up against the hard wall. It was likie music to my ears to hear him hit his head so hard.

Taking my fist I pulled it back and swung, hard to his gut. Over and over and over again. He didn't even try to object or protect himself but I don't have time to wounder why. After taking a few more swings to his face, I quit leaving him there on the floor, thinking him almost dead.

He just lied there. Not moving, eyes closed, blood all over his body.

I like him better this way.


Hey She She's!

:( Sorry I didn't write in so long and sorry I didn't write much. Got a lot of homework...

I'll make sure to update faster, though. ^_^

Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, Kik: Whenyousmile143

Kay. Bye.



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