Modern Day Slavery

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He was sitting down on his desk, legs hanging off, with me on top of him. Our chest were touching and my legs where kneeling on both sides of his legs. My arms were wrapped around his neck and his were around my waist inching towards my butt.


Whelp… We’ll see where this one goes.


I don’t know what is going through my mind because I actually like it. What am I talking about? I know exactly what is going through my mind.


‘I am fucking pissed at ‘Harold’ because he just cheated. He is a jerk but fuckishly he is the jerk that I am in love with and it makes me fucking mad. How the hell can I still be in love with someone who fucking cheated on me! Ugh. Fuck everything! I am too fucking stressed. I am actually starting to fucking use the fucking ‘F’ word so fucking much that everything is starting to fucking rhyme. It makes me feel like i’m writing a song or something. I could go all fucking Taylor Swift on him but I won’t because that would be low (even if I did win an award for it and had the chance to publicly distress him), so I rather just stay here and kiss this really hot guy.’


Jonathan scooted back onto the desk and laid down leaving me on top of him, without breaking the kiss. He smelled of Axe and his lips tasted of peppermint. I softly thru my fingers through his hair which wasn’t as soft as Harry’s but still was nice and soft.


His moaned was sexy so I smiled into the kiss, pushing my hair out of my face.


Within seconds we heard a knock on the door. I released from the kiss and looked up at the door, thankful that it was locked and the shade was down. I looked back down at Jonathan who rolled his eyes angrily.


I giggled and he smiled.


I rolled off of him as someone knocked on the door once more. Jonathan jumped off the desk and opened the door while I jumped off and pretended to read one of the books on the desk.


I looked up to see Zayn.


He came to see what his grade was. When he walked in he saw me and greeted me grinning. I said a simply hey and smiled as well. “So Avery why are you with Mr. Howard after school? I thought Miss. Kinnian had detention today.” He said innocently. Jonathan eyed me as he sat in his teacher chair pulling up Zayn’s grade on the computer. “Uh, tutor - ing.” Zayn nodded and looked down at Jonathans desk where some papers where a bit wrinkled.


His eyebrows wrinkled. “Um, Howard?” Jonathan replied with a with a hum keeping his concentration on the screen. “Why are those papers so wrinkled?” Jonathan glanced at the papers and then at Zayn. “Why do you want to know?” He challenged not wanting to answer Zayns question.


“I don’t know i’m just-” He started but Jonathan interrupted. “You have an 83 in this class.” He said bluntly. Zayn raised his eyebrows and looked at me for an explanation for why Jonathan was so grumpy.” I just shook my head pretending I didn’t know why.

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