Chapter 2 ~ An Extra Sway in Her Hips

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Chapter 2 ~An Extra Sway in Her Hips~

I felt a thud on my head. “Wake up!” my brother Manny yelled.

“Shut up.” I said plainly. And with that he walked out the door. That’s my everyday wakeup call. I get a thud on my head with a pillow and a ‘wake up’ by one of my idiotic brothers and im up.


First day at a new school. At least I know a couple of kids there. My best friends Danny, Jessie, and Nate, and of course my ex, Josh.


After taking a shower and blow drying my hair I decided to make my hair wavy with my straightener. After placing my everyday makeup on with a tad bit more pink blush and wings on both sides of the end of my eye lids, I went to my now set up closet. I decided to wear the outfit I bought yesterday. I put on a high-wasted black leather skirt, a t-shirt with the band name ‘Falling in Reverse’ written on it, a spiked black leather vest, a pair of graphic design tights, and the Jeffrey Campbell’s I bought. I put on the same dog tag I had on yesterday. I put a pair of black rose stud earrings in the first whole of my ear and in my second a simple stud. I put my silver industrial bar in my top left ear and looked at myself in my mirror. Deciding that I did a pretty good job with my outfit and my makeup and that my face wasn’t getting any better I grabbed my phone, keys, metallic gold studded book bag and walked out the door.

I walked down the stairs seeing my brothers, dog, and mother spread out across the kitchen eating the breakfast they had made. I tried speed walking myself to door, hopefully not being seen. I hate breakfast. Eating all that food gets you fat before you even step foot out of the door. “Stop.” I heard my mother say calmly.

Turning slowly to face her I sighed. “You may live in a new state but you still have the same eating rules.” She sang to me. As I groaned in disagreement, I dropped my bag and dragged myself over to the kitchen table. There sat two waffles on a plate.

Ok. Breathe. You got this. I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhale slowly. I picked up my fork and knife and slowly cut into my food. I did as I did to everything I ate. I slowly cut my food into small pieces and ate the demons one at a time as slowly as possible. Every two or three bites I would gulp down water. Ten minutes later not even finishing half of the waffles, I couldn’t take it anymore and put my knife and fork down. Taking my plate and walking over to the dog tray, I slid the fattening food in.


Without a word, I grabbed my bag and phone and walked out the door.

I got in my car and started it. Putting my bag in the passengers seat I checked the time. 7:39A.M. Doors open at 7:40A.M. and close at 8:15A.M. I sighed and turned on the radio. Listening to the song ‘All Gold Everything’ by Trinidad James I pulled out of the driveway and left for hell.

Pulling in I see a huge school. I mean, I’ve went to some pretty big schools but this school, totally schools them all.

See what I did there?

‘Schools' them all….

Haha, I am so stupid.

But um yeah, huge. Half the school was made out of glass. There were even a few glass bridges with lockers in them. Looking under the bridge I could see a circled, gorgeous piece of land. It had tables and nice, green grass. There were pretty blue and purple flowers everywhere. It was big and I liked it.

I decided I would park the farthest away from everybody with my car. I mean, I don’t want people knowing that im rich. I want to make real friends first and my car kind of sells me out. I’ll just have to walk. Checking myself in the mirror one last time before getting out I took a deep breath. Why was I so nervous? I haven’t even stepped foot in the building and I all ready have friends, right?

Getting out the car with my bag and my phone in my pocket, I locked it. Walking towards the school I noticed there was a crowd of guys sitting in the front messing around. They blocked the only way I knew how to get in, so im forced to maneuver my way through them.

They were big and bulky. They looked to be around six feet tall and had some pretty damn big muscles showing through their fitted shirts, if you ask me. Least to say, I was definitely scared.

Gulping I walked up to them. Trying to avoid all eye contact I kept my face down. I tried to twist to my side and squeeze in between two of them but they stopped me.

“Whoa, fresh meat!” one of them said with big dark arms and a smirk the size of the Grand Canyon. As the all cheered I tried again to get passed them but failed.

“Where do you think your going?” the other one said, lightly pushing my arm back.

Tilting my head up I replied, “Where does it look like im going, Einstein?"

Hey, no one ever said I wasn’t sassy at times.

“Whaooo, this one’s a fisty one.” I heard called out from another shorter but equally scary one. I shot him a glare that I thought could easily break a bitch. He gave a surprised look and looked down, and suddenly I wasn’t afraid of these guys anymore.

These boys looked tough on the outside but they were soft on the inside. They were teddy bears.

“Yeah, im going to go now.”

And before I could even lift my foot from the surface….. “-Name-“ I heard a voice but had no idea who asked.

Actually it wasn’t a question, it was more like a harsh order. “Excuse you?” I said.

“Name” I heard for the second time but still never saw a mouth move.

“Excuse you?” I repeated myself giving of a bored affect and an attitude with my small head motion.

“Tell. Me. Your. Name.” he said like he was talking to a four year old. I didn’t like the sound to that one.

“Get out of my way!” I said harsh and with a motherly attitude.

“What?” All eyes were now glued on me.

I sighed, not letting the anger get a hold of me. “I’ll tell you my name…. If you get out of my way.”

I heard a faint chuckle. “All right. You heard her. Lets get out of her way, guys." And suddenly there was a walk way for me. I brushed passed them all. Walking with an extra sway in my hips and half way making it to the door I hear- “A deals a dea-”

“Avery.” I said loud enough for them to hear but with a monotone, ‘I-don’t-really-care-at-all-so-buzz-off’ kind of tone. Never pausing a foot or turning back I kept walking. I don't even have enough middle fingers for them all.

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