Letter Four

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I kept bugging you for months. I was trying to get your attention in any way that I could. It's strange to think about how quickly that shifted. Now you're trying to get all of mine.

When you finally gave in, I took you out on a date. Do you remember that night? I'm sure you remember it better than I do. Which is why I'm sure you're wondering why I'm wasting ink telling it all over again to you. It's because you don't know how I felt that night. How I saw that night. It's one of the truths I've decided to give you.

I took you to the carnival and you threw up three times from the amount of food you ate and how many rides you went on. If I remember correctly, you ate two corn dogs, a pretzel, cotton candy, and a cheeseburger. And in total, you went on ten different rides some multiple times. I never understood how you could handle that much.

I guess you can handle a lot, can't you, Tat? You have a strong heart. But it isn't invincible.

I found that out the night we ended.


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