Letter Twenty-Nine

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I came back shortly after I left, begging you to let me be yours again. I knew you would and you did. Maybe that's why you said I always looked so comfortable when I came back to you. Because I knew no matter how many times I left you that you'd always take me back.

Truth: When I came back it wasn't just because I missed having someone. It's because I missed having you.

I'm not sure if she ever told you, but your best friend Laura came up to me the day after we got back together. She was as fiery as ever and told me that if I was just coming back to you because I missed having someone in my bed then I needed to buy a dog and get out of your life.

I really did love you, Tatiana. And not having you in my life then, and even now, didn't feel right. you had quickly become my world and I trusted you with all my secrets. That will always be true, I swear to you. There will always be a special place for you in my heart, Tatiana.


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