Letter Thirty-Three

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It's late. So late that it's almost early. I'm writing this to you because I can't sleep. I have too much to say to you and I don't know if I'll be able to get it all off my chest in a way you'll understand. Because I always manage to fuck things up with you no matter how hard I try. But I promise I'll try to make things right somehow.

Truth: I just wanted to make you proud. I wanted to be a goddamn masterpiece for you but all I ended up being was a crumpled piece of paper left by the trash bin.

I wanted to make you smile every second of every day but all I managed to do was take any bit of your happiness away.

I wanted to steal your breath away with everything I did, but when I took it away, it wasn't effortless. I sucked all the air out of your lungs in the worst way.

I wanted to be the reason for the light in your eyes but sadly I was just the darkness in your night sky.

I wanted to be with you for forever. But forever isn't tangible and I couldn't live up to the dream I set up for us. I let you down over and over and I promise every night I regret it.

You were my everything and I was too selfish to fight for you the way you deserved.

From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.


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