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[a/n]: remember when I said that this would be based loosely on my own experiences? maybe that's why this chapter was the hardest one to write so far.

We continued our tradition, but it wasn't the same after the night I missed it. I didn't lay on you. I didn't touch the popcorn. I didn't laugh at the stupid things they'd say even when you did.

Truth: I was so high I don't know if I could have told you how to spell my name.

I saw the way you'd look at me every time someone said something that'd make you laugh, that would make you angry, and I saw the disappointment in your eyes when you realized I didn't give a damn. But you kept trying night after night to make me care again. But I just couldn't anymore.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when you broke up with me a few weeks after. You had had enough, and I guess there's only so far someone can be pushed towards the edge before they fall off.

But when you left I was a mess. I couldn't breathe and I was starting to hate the Adderall for what it was doing to me. I didn't want to be high anymore if it meant I couldn't have you by my side.

I called you crying later that night, begging you to please not leave me. But you're a strong girl and you held your ground. I was so desperate I called your best friend, sobbing, telling her that you were the love of my life. That I couldn't lose you.

You took me back soon after, and I could tell that it wasn't out of pity. You missed me as soon as you left. You couldn't lose me either.

Tell me, Tatiana, how long did it take you to regret your choice?


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