Chapter 3 : "How to be a Model Citizen for Dummies, Devils, and Dice"

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(oi, long title :/ )

The Devil's POV

"UGH!" I groaned, slamming my head into the table. "This sucks."
"Ignore him," my best man, King Dice, said to our...guest.
"Why is it so difficult to be a good person!?" I shouted, my patience wearing thin. We had been doing this for at least an hour and I do not like what I'm hearing.
Mugman sat awkwardly in front of us,"D-don't worry! A lot people have trouble with it!"
"Well, why do I have to have trouble with it!?" I growled.
"You're the Devil. It's in your blood to be bad," King Dice sighed, frustrated with me. Hearing this stung. I really want to be good, I mean it! I get that you don't believe me, readers, and trust me-I don't believe it myself. But, if I become a good person, people won't be afraid of me and therefore, more people will come to the casino! Plus-and don't tell Dice-I want to be good so I can impress him, maybe then he'll like me more. He only thinks I'm just someone he has to babysit, and I want that to change.
I rested my head on my palm and bit my nails off the other. Mugman looked at King Dice, unsure of what to do. KD pulled him close and whispered something in his ear. What are they talking about?
"Dev?" King Dice smirked.
"Dice?" I raised a brow.
"I'm surprised you're giving up," He frowned at me.
"What?" I said, raising my head.
"I thought you really wanted to be a good person."
"I do!"
"By giving up? Tsk, I'm ashamed of you."
"Dice..." I gritted my teeth. I saw Mugman gulp. King Dice, on the other hand, showed no fear. Wait a minute, he wants me to get mad!
I took a deep breath,"I'm not giving up, I'm just...impatient."
King Dice smirked again,"Good."
I composed myself once more,"Alright, Mughead-I mean-man. What else do you got?"
Mug glanced at King Dice, Is it alright to talk now?
King Dice nodded, He's calm again, you can continue, Mug.
Once he got his approval, Mug turned back to face both of us,"Alright, your both doing okay so far, which is a nice start. I'd like to mention that what just happened is a great example of being a model citizen."
"It...was?" I pondered.
"Model citizens help others in need, wether they need help carrying something, comfort on a bad day, or helping them with their frustrations," Mug looked at me at the last part.
I bit my lip, ashamed.
King Dice placed a gentle hand on my back, and smiled warmly,"It's okay, Dev. I'm not good at this either."
I smiled, suddenly a little shy,"Heh, you're still better than me."
Mugman grinned, watching the scene unfold. He closed his eyes, thinking,"I made a mistake."
We looked at him, confused. "What'd you mean?" King Dice said. "Yeah, we're the ones messing up here," I agreed.
Mug continued,"I was wrong to think I could teach you this in one night. These things take time; I shouldn't have tried to force it. I believe it will be better for me to stay awhile to teach you."
"S-stay? No, you don't have to do that," I told him.
"You could visit us every morning to teach us instead," King Dice suggested.
We soon learned that Mugman was as stubborn as Cuphead was stupid. In other words, he wasn't leaving.
"I have an idea!" Mug announced. He hopped on the table,"As your first act of being a model citizen, we can fix the casino!" It was pretty good idea, the casino had been in ruins after Mug and his brother beat us.
I smirked,"You know what, that's not half bad. Kid! Fetch the brooms from the shed outside! We'll start picking up in here!"
I stood from my chair and Dice did the same. Mug grinned, happily, as he ran out the door.

Mugman's POV

I can't believe this is working! They really do want to be good guys! I know how hard it is for them, but frankly, I'm proud of them for trying.
I took three brooms and a few other supplies and carried them out of the shed. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I gasped, dropping everything and turned around.
"Mug, cool it. It's me, Cuphead," My brother said.
"You startled me! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Me? What are you doing here? And what's with that supplies? Did they make you their slave? Did they hurt you? What's going-?"
"Enough!" I interrupted. "I haven't been captured or turned into a slave! I'm trying to do the right thing!"
"Ah! So your going to beat them with brooms and Clorox!? I like the sound of it!"
"No! I'm giving them a second chance!"
"Second chance!?" Cuphead gasped. "Why do they deserve a second chance!?"
"So they can prove their good guys. They really are trying, c'mon, I'll show you! You can help us too!" I grabbed his hand welcomingly.
He pulled away,"I'll show you the exit! You can't stay here with those crooks! They'll never be good guys!"
"I am staying! They can be good guys!"
"No they can't!"
"Yes they can!"
"You're leaving!"
"I'm staying!"
He glared,"They brainwashed you! If you don't leave here, I'm telling everyone on Inkwell Isle, that you're a villain!"
I'm done with this. I aimed my finger at him, my index finger glowing bright blue at the tips.
He looked taken back,"You wouldn't."
"Leave, Cuphead. NOW!" I demanded. "Please, I don't want to hurt you! Your my brother!"
"No... your my enemy...." Cuphead growled.
I gasped. He turned around fled. He was going to tell everyone that I was a bad guy. I don't care about that, though. I lost my home, and my brother. I turned around, sadly. I saw figures quickly move from the casino's windows.

They were watching.

Date Unkown

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