Chapter 14 : Let's Do It

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content. Reader discretion advised for younger audiences.

The Devil's POV

I paced back and forth the casino. Just yesterday did that thing attack my Dice in the most vile way possible, and I was mad as hell.
Mug was watching uncomfortably. King Dice himself remained silent during my rant. I tried to read his mind to see what he was thinking, but everything was blank.
"That was too close!" I growled. "Too. Close."
"Devil, please calm down," Mug pleaded. "You're scaring me."
I sighed,"I'm sorry, kid. I just can't get over what happened yesterday! That creep hurt Dice! No-he raped him! And I will not let that slide!"
"Well, there's a solution to every problem, even if it isn't easy to see," Mug spoke wisely.
I nodded,"You're right. We just need to think of something! How can we get him to leave you alone?"
That's when King Dice spoke.
"Why don't we do it?"
I stopped,"What?"
"We already know what he wants, you said it yourself: in order to break the curse, you need to penetrate a virgin. I'm the only virgin he's interested in, and the same goes for you."
"I-I don't get it... what are you suggesting?"
"Well, I know that I'm going to lose my virginity to someone, so... I'd rather it be you than him. That way, you'd turn mortal and we could be together... does that sound nice?"
I stared in disbelief,"Is Dice? Did he drug you or something?"
He raised his voice,"I mean it, Dev!"
I looked into his eyes, they were full of fear and sadness. I hate seeing him this way. He does mean it.
I scratched the fur on the back of my neck, glancing at my feet bashfully,"I mean-we could. I'll only do it if you want to."
King Dice stood,"Then let's do it."
I blushed hard,"N-now!?"
"Yes now! In your office! The sooner the better!"
"But-we never even went on our first date!"
"If we wait any longer, he'll strike again! And what've your not able to save me?" King Dice took both of my hands in his.
I only stammered, not sure of what to say. My face was completely red, my fur standing on end. There was an awkward silence in the room. After a moment, Mug cleared his throat, blushing as much as I was.
Finally, I shot an answer from my mouth,"Okay. We'll do it."
I looked at Mug. Before I said anything, he threw up his hands in alarm,"I'll sleep on the throne tonight."
"O-Okay... and don't interrupt! Unless it's an emergency!" I raised my voice unintentionally from embarrassment.
"Got it. Just go... do your thing, and enjoy!" Mug nervously smiled, blushing horribly.
I chuckled weirdly,"Yeah...alright..."

It was 11:00 pm, we waited to make sure Mug wasn't awake. I placed King Dice carefully on the bed below me. I towered over him. The two of us just stared into each other's eyes, not sure where to start.
I grinned slightly,"I haven't done this in 600 years, so I'm a little rusty."
He tried to smile back,"It's fine, I wouldn't know the difference..."
Something made me feel guilty. Wether it was the tone of his voice, or the miserable look on his face, I just couldn't bring myself to start.
I placed a hand on his cheek,"Hey, Dice?"
"Mm?" was the response.
"I'm sorry I have to do this, I don't want to force this. If-if you'd like, we can wait-"
"No," he said, sternness in his voice. "I'm just...scared...I'm not ready for this, but, it needs to be done."
He placed a hand on my cheek. He blushed,"D-do you promise to be gentle...?"
I smiled lovingly,"I'll go as gentle as you want me to."
He smiled back. We pressed our lips together and softly kissed one another. It was slow and passionate, only a tad clumsy. I licked his bottom lip, and he opened his mouth. I slid my tongue in, and felt his against mine. He softly moaned as we explored each other's mouths.
When I pulled back, he pulled me closer, wanting more.
As we made out, I spoke between kisses,""
He smiled, his green eyes turning into hearts,"I'm enjoying this..."
I brushed my face against his, and he giggled. I could feel his warm breath against my face, making my fur stand on end. I whispered in his ear,"Do you want a little more~?"
"Only if you do, baby~" he whispered back.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Dev?" He grinned at me. He sat up,"Are you okay?"
"This is so weird!" I laughed. "I'm sorry! Just give me a second!" I heard him chuckle as he planted a kiss on my forehead. Looking back now, that had to be the best part of it.

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