Chapter 29 : Questions Without Answers

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Mugman's POV

Something was...wrong. Or, at least out of the ordinary. You see, readers, the Devil was acting weird around King Dice again. And before you ask, no, they did not get into a fight again. In fact, I'm not sure what they did, but it was only the Devil being weird. It was only when he spoke to Cuphead and I did I find out what was up.
"Mug? Cup? Can I talk to the two of you?" The Devil asked us as we were playing cards in the living room.
"Sure, what's up?" Cup said.
He sat down beside us, and looked around anxiously. Then he whispered,"I have a secret, but you two cannot tell anyone, especially KD. Okay?"
Curiously, we nodded.
He sighed,"I'm going to propose to Dice."
We gasped, grinning widely.
"You're-!" I started.
"SSH!" The Devil shushed us. He looked behind him, with no sign of anyone.
Cup and I giggled. I whispered,"You're getting married?"
"I'd like to, yes. I'm going to take him to town and have some fun with him. Then, later tonight, I'll ask the question. It's going to be amazing," The Devil explained, smiling at the thought. "I even bought a ring, see?" Then he took out a small box and showed us a golden ring. After we had a good look, he quickly put it away.
Cup smiled,"This is awesome!"
I wondered,"Can I be the best man?"
The Devil chuckled,"I have to ask first guys, speaking of which, I gotta go."
As the Devil stood, Cup whispered,"Good luck!"
I added,"Tell us about it later!"
The Devil took off, with a childish grin on his face. I felt proud of him as he entered the kitchen with King Dice inside.

King Dice's POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up from my book. I smiled when I saw who it is,"Hey, Dev! How's it going?"
He kissed my cheek,"There is something going on, actually."
"Yeah? Like what?"
He sat down beside me,"Well, twenty years ago today, a special person walked into my life. Hint: He called me a furball."
I gasped,"It's our anniversary!"
"Yep! The anniversary of when we first met."
"Oh my goodness! Dev! I completely forgot, I'm sorry!" I apologized. Has it really been 20 years? Wow, I feel old.
[Quick Note : King Dice is 29]
"It's okay, Dicey," He grinned. "That's why I took it upon myself to plan a special day for my special person."
I sighed, unable to hide my smile,"Oh, Devy! You didn't have to do that!"
Dev wrapped his arms around my waist,"Of course I had to, you deserve it. Everyone's been so stressed out lately because of the Stranger, so I thought a romantic day together through town would be a nice break."
I blushed,"Thank you, Dev."
"Thank you, Dice," He smiled warmly. "For walking into my life."
I placed my arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek, lovingly. Dev stood up,"C'mon, let's get going."
I followed close behind. I smiled, thinking to myself, This'll be great! He'll never suspect a thing!

It's a perfect day to propose to my Dev.

The Devil's POV

We held hands together, walking down the road to town. King Dice was humming sweetly, he looked adorable. His eyes were the shape of hazy, green hearts lost in delightful thoughts.
I nudged his shoulder,"Hey."
"Hm?" He answered.
"You look handsome today," I smirked.
He rose a brow,"I look like this everyday!"
"Exactly," I winked.
He laughed. I love his laugh. It's full of warmth, and childish nature. It's adorable. I kissed him again, and he grinned, kissing back. When we broke apart, I placed a hand on his cheek. He touched my hand lightly, his face a faint shade of purple.
"Happy anniversary, Dicey."
"Happy anniversary, Dev."
I pulled him into a hug, which he gladly accepted. I laid my head against his. I could stay here forever, just like this. I could propose to him now.
Suddenly, King Dice went stiff.
I looked at him,"Dice?"
He didn't answer. Instead, he was staring in the distance. I squinted my eyes, and saw the town. I turned back to King Dice,"Dicey? What's the matter?"
"It's empty."
"What-what do you mean? You're not making any sense."
"It's empty. The town. There's no one there!"
I looked again. He's right. It was empty.
"C'mon," I nodded. We ran into town, and it was just as barren as it was before. Not a single person. The silence was...horrific. It gave you the feeling that your trapped in a dream, or that you didn't exist. It sent chills up my spine so bad that I almost felt cold.
"What...happened here?" I asked, breathlessly.
"I don't like this, it's not right," Dice swallowed hard.
"So much for an anniversary," I sighed. Then, faint footsteps could be heard coming our way. Quickly, we turned to see Cup running and Mug staggering into the village. They stopped when the saw us.
" seen...Kettle...?" Cup gasped for air.
"No...? Why?" I replied.
"We thought...he came here..." Mug panted. "He wasn't home..."
"What? That's impossible. We were the only ones who came here. Where could've he gone?" Dice asked.
"More like, where could've everyone gone?" I crossed my arms.
Cup and Mug finally noticed that the entire village was deserted. They gawked at the place.
"Maybe they went on vacation?" Cup answered, uncertain.
"All of them?" Mug remarked.
"The Stranger did this," a voice said. Mike was walking into the village. "I decided to follow you kids when you left, and I'm glad I did."
"Mike's right," I agreed. "Who else but that blind bastard could wipe out an entire village?"
Mug questioned,"How'd he do it?"
Cup frowned,"Don't know, but I don't care. He ain't taking our Kettle again. Not on my watch."
"He's taken everyone, its time we put an end to this," King Dice nodded, sternly.
"Good. Cause look," Mike said, pointing to the far end of the village. There were footprints leading out of town. Lots of them.
I growled,

"Stranger, were coming for you."

Aye, we're back. I've pre-written some of the chapters (I tried to pre-write all of them but that wasn't working out).
I thought it was time they took the Stranger out...or will they? Tune in next time.
One more thing, if the creators were to turn Cuphead into an animated series, who would you want the voice actors to be? Find out my opinion in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed.


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