Chapter 28 : Love Me, Bitch!

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(This chapter is just gonna be stupid, on purpose. I'll add a little bit of plot in the middle, the rest will be dumb.)

King Dice's POV

"Why did you just take my head?" I sighed.
He didn't respond,"Uh..."
"You moron. Worst part is: I'm not even mad, I'm more disappointed."
"I have a plan! I just...forgot it..." the Stranger explained. He was holding my head, unknowingly facing away from him. I bit my lip, annoyed. Perhaps making him blind also made him dumber. Then again, he did take two bullets through the skull.
"I remember it now!" He announced. "I kidnapped you so I could lead your friends here. They'll be trying to find you, and I'll be there to kill them! It's foolproof!"
I rolled my eyes,"Your plan may be foolproof, but it's not dumbass proof.  It's not gonna work."
"It will work! Wait-who's the dumbass?" He asked.
"You. Seriously, who steals just a head?"
"That Devil bitch was holding on to you, and if I tried to move you, it'd wake him up from that sleeping charm I put him on," The Stranger explained, hatefully.
I raised a surprised brow,"You know sleeping charms?"
"I know a lot of spells. And, for an extra precaution, I slipped him a Benadryl. Those things can knock anybody out." The Stranger pulled my head closer,"Now, you're all mine, and no one will have you but me!"
"Oh great, back to the stalker instincts are we?" I remarked sarcastically.
He kissed the back of my head, thinking it's the front. Great. Dev, can you please find me and kick his ass. If you can't, then bring my body so I can.
I felt something, but not on my head. My body! Someone was holding my body. I felt around, it was warm and fury. Speak of the Devil...

Third Person's POV

"Well shit," The Devil sighed. "This is a problem."
"That's...weird..." Mug remarked as he watched King Dice's headless body feel the Devil's.
"It's like a chicken..." Cup shuddered.
The body reached his hands to feel the Devil's face. Once realizing who it is, it hugged him. The Devil hugged him back,"Yes, it's me, Dicey."
"How did that happen?" Mike asked, secretly eyeing up Dice's body. So was Dev, but he didn't make it as obvious.
"All we gotta do is ask," the Devil replied. He took Dice's hands and tapped them three times with his index finger, receiving a thumbs up from the body. The Devil explained that in case King Dice ever lost his head like this, he'd be able to communicate via sign language to help him find it. Sure enough, King Dice's hands went mad with things no one except the Devil could understand.
The Devil translated,"He's in the forest with the Stranger not to far from here."
Mug nodded,"Then we have to save him!"
"You're not leaving the house, Mug," Elder Kettle said sternly. "You are in no condition to go running off and fighting villains. You barely got out of the last fight alive!"
"But, Kettle! He saved my life last time!" Cuphead protested.
Their grandfather crossed his arms,"Cup, you're lucky I'm letting you go, so stay out of this."
The Devil sighed,"Kettle's right, Mug. It might be best if you stayed out of this one."
Mug looked at his brother.
Cuphead turned away,"Sorry, Mug. It's for your own safety, I guess..."
Crestfallen, Mug nodded at the floor.

Cuphead rubbed his temples as they walked. For some weird reason, Cup's eyes still hurt badly. They felt like someone threw dry ice in his eyes. Mike, noticing Cup's pain, told the Devil to wait a minute.
"Cup? Are you feeling alright?" Mike asked, kneeling down beside him.
Cup groaned," eyes hurt..."
The Devil, holding King Dice's hand, said, "Open your eyes and show us."
Cuphead, doing what he was told, opened his eyes. His purple eyes. Mike and Dev gasped.
"Mike? Devil? Where are you?" Cup asked.
"Can-can you see us?" Mike questioned, holding Cup's face with both hands.
"I can hear you, I just can't see you. Wait! King Dice!?" Cup exclaimed, baffled.
"You can see King Dice!?" The Devil gasped.
"Yeah, just his head though. And I see hands made of metal, and a blue shirt-"
"The Stranger!" Mike gawked. "Hold on-are you seeing through his eyes?"
"I think so."
"Ha! Cup, you've got an advantage over him! Where is he?" The Devil told him.
"He's..." Cup looked around. "Over there!"
He pointed to an opening in the forest. The trio (plus Dice's body) got off the trail and hid in a bush. Peeking out, they saw the Stranger staring aimlessly into the distance and King Dice's head just staring awkwardly at him.
"Psst, Dice!" The Devil whispered.
King Dice heard him,"Dev?"
Cautiously, Dev, Mike, and Cuphead snuck out of the bush and approached King Dice and the Stranger. The Stranger did nothing. Mike waved a hand in front of him. Nothing.
"What's up with him?" Mike wondered aloud.
"I'm still looking through his eyes, maybe that has something to do with it," Cuphead answered.
"Guys! Thank goodness you're here! I was getting really annoyed not being able to do anything!" King Dice smiled.
The Devil firmly grasped-(Patrick: firmly grasp it)-Dice's head and pulled with all his might. The Stranger may not be conscious, but his grip was strong. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I'm not sorry)
When the Devil finally got a hold of Dice from the Stranger's hands, he gave the head back to the body, which composed itself once more.
"Much. Better," King Dice sighed with a smile as his head returned to his body.
"Quick question: how can you control your body when your head's not attached? Or does it have a mind of it's own?" Mike asked.
King Dice replied,"Oh, it's simple really. You see-"
"Hey guys!" Cuphead interrupted. "I found out how to break the bond between the Stranger and I!" It was true, his eyes were back to normal, but the Stranger was out of a trance.
"CUP!" Mike growled.
The ten year old turned around, looked at the Stranger, and turned back,"Oh. Oops."
"YOU!?" The Stranger yelled. "Give me back my Dice!"
"Oh, for the love of-!" Dev began before Dice stopped him.
"Hold up!" He said, his hand on his hip in a sassy way. He stepped towards the Stranger until they were inches apart. "You? Like me?"
"And you want me to be 'your' Dice?"
Dice stared blankly at him. "Nope."
In one swift movement, King Dice kicked the Stranger in the-
"Ooh!" The Stranger gasped.
Dev and the others winced. Mike groaned,
"That's gonna hurt."
The blind psychopath fell to his knees, holding his "part". King Dice stood over him, glaring.
"That's for raping me," He spat, coldly.
With that, King Dice booked it. Cuphead, The Devil, and Mike followed suit, and the quartet ran home.

So, this chapter was just like the last one: BS. Except this time, I did it on purpose. I wanted to make one more silly chapter before we begin the "hiatus" with more serious stuff. I have a lot planned, and the ending is coming soon.
(Pause so everyone can cry)
The last chapter will be Chapter 35.
So, you have some time to wait.
One more thing, to anyone who didn't understand what the hell happened in the last chapter, I'll explain:
So Judas (The Devil's real name) and Mike were planning a prank on Judas's father, however, due to their weight, the chandelier broke and fell, crushing and killing Judas's eleven older brothers. Angry, Judas's father cursed all of Inkwell and his son. Of course, Mike and Judas both suffered from the immortality curse, while the rest of Inkwell turned into the objects of what they were like (hence why people have cups and other objects for heads) and the islands were turned into a zany mess. In return to the curse, the father was overpowered and died, leaving his son, the Devil, to rule Inkwell.
I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I'll be back.


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