Chapter 16 : Past Reflections

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The Devil's POV

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I'm restless! I'm just too happy! Everything used be so wrong, but now it's all gone right! The casino's grand re-opening is tomorrow, Mugman is now my adopted son, and I'm a mortal! I feel like the happiest demon alive!
Then, I felt someone nudge my ribs.
"Devil? Are you awake?" Mug asked me.
I turned to face him,"I'm awake. Can't sleep?" He shook his head.
I grinned lightly,"Figures. You're an energetic 8 year old."
"That's not the only reason," He said. "I've been thinking about something, and I thought that maybe you'd be able to answer it."
"Lay it on me."
"What was King Dice like before Cup and I met him?"
I stared, not sure what to say. I cleared my throat quickly,"Why'd you wanna know?"
"Well, I heard some people talking about it in town. They said 'Remember what Dice was like before he gave his soul away? He was just some kid, and now he's the Devil's personal playboy'," Mug explained.
I gave him a stern look,"Don't say 'playboy' ever again. It's impolite. Especially when referring to one of your foster fathers."
"Sorry, but that's what they said! Ever since then, I couldn't stop thinking about it!"
I sighed,"Alright. I know it's not my right to tell you, but if I don't, no one will.

"This is the story of King Dice."

King Dice's POV

I was 9 years old. My family? Gone. Died years ago. There were only three things I cared about then: cigars, alcohol, and money. I was alone, and up to my own devices. I was addicted to smoking and drinking; my bad habits controlled me. I needed money to get my hands on these kind of things. The world ain't cheap, but it's full of cheaters. I broke the system. Ever since I was thrown on the streets, I was told that I was useless. But I wasn't entirely. I was good at one thing. Gambling.
I was always able to trick people through bets. No matter what they tried to fool me with, I was one step ahead. I beat nearly everyone in Inkwell, except one. The Devil. It was time I tried my luck.

I stepped into the casino for the first time. I was small, but not weak. Anyone who nearly stepped on me, I'd kick them back. There was a prize, and I had to find it, so nothing was allowed to get in my way. Then I spotted him. Bingo.
I pushed people out of my way,"Move it, loafers! I've got places to be!"
Finally, I reached the top. The Devil was sitting on his throne, counting profits.
I grit my teeth,"Aye! Furball!"
He looked at me,"What'd you call me?"
I glared back,"Yeah, I'm talking to you, Sasquatch! I wanna bet!"
He stood from his throne, narrowing his glowing, yellow eyes threateningly. He was much taller than I was, but it didn't phase me at all. He walked over until he was towering over me.
"You wanna bet?" He said.
"Yeah, I do!" I spat. "I wanna prove to these low-lives that I'm better than you!"
Now, everyone in the casino was watching. There was a dead silence. The room reeked, the smell of trouble in the air. All eyes were on me and the Devil. I loved it.
Finally, he smirked,"What game?"
I smirked back,"Any game, I know 'em all!"
"And what exactly would we be betting on?"
I scratched my nose with my thumb,"If I win, you have to give me everything in this casino! Property, But if I loose... then you can have my soul."
The crowd gasped.
I held out my hand,"What'd ya say? Deal?"
He pondered for a moment. Then took my hand,"Deal."

We were playing Craps, and I was winning. It was a 2 out of 3 game, and we were tied.
One more roll, I thought, licking my lips.
I rolled the die.


Not possible!

I lost.
The Devil sneered,"Snake eyes. You loose."
My heart skipped a beat. No, I can't loose! It's not fair! I was using loaded dice!
I knew it.
I gasped, as I heard the Devil's voice in my head. He was smirking at me. I forgot he can read minds. I glared, Stay out of my mind, you bastard!
I composed myself again, speaking slowly,"Congratulations. You won."
"Thank you, you played pretty well, until you started using loaded dice," The Devil snickered. "That's why, when you were too busy gloating, I switched your loaded dice, to mine."
"You cheated!?" I growled.
"I only cheat, when others cheat first," he responded. "Now, about that soul of yours..."
I suddenly felt small. Weak. Useless. My eyes widened in fear. My body was shaking, tears filling my eyes. The customers left, not wanting to watch. I was a dead man.
What was I thinking!? I can't beat the Devil! I'm just some stupid kid! This punishment serves me right... I don't deserve to have a soul.
I fell to my knees, letting tears slip from my eyes and fall off my face silently. I didn't scream. I didn't run. I didn't beg. Everyone will be better off without me.
I closed my eyes,"I'm ready."
The Devil was reluctant to answer,"Any last words?"
"No. Just do it. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm just a pathetic loser. Even if I groveled at your feet like a worm, pleading for my life, it wouldn't change the fact that I shouldn't be here at all," I heard myself say. I felt like I was outside of my body, watching the scene unfold.
The Devil stopped. I heard his breath shaking. Finally, he said,"Let's change the deal a bit."
I returned to my body. I looked up,"What?"
He took a deep breath,"How about... if you become my servant for all eternity, I'll spare your life?"
Air flowed back through my lungs. My bottom lip quivered. I began to cry with my head on the floor, hugging myself. Through my ugly sobs, I heard someone else's thoughts.
Poor kid. He's on his own. Maybe I can do this for him. I could hear the Devil's thoughts!
I felt his arms wrap around my small body, enclosing me. His fur was softer than I expected, like a pillow. His embrace was warm, such as his body heat. My eyelids grew heavy, and found myself unable to keep them open. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

Right Hand Man (King Dice x Devil) Where stories live. Discover now