Chapter 17 : A Christmas Miracle

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King Dice's POV

Tomorrow is Christmas. I was in the kitchen, preparing food for tomorrow. I was washing pots when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
I heard a voice say,"Dicey~"
I chuckled,"Dev."
"How's it going?"
"The food's almost ready, about time too. It's nearly 9:00!" I exclaimed.
"Maybe you need a break, you've been cooking all day," The Devil suggested, laying his head on my shoulders.
"I'll be done in about an hour, maybe."
"C'mon, I'll cook."
I dried the pot, scoffing at the Devil's response. "As if I'd let you," I said, beginning to refill the pot with chopped potatoes. "Last time you cooked something, you nearly burned down the casino."
"I can't help it! I like things hot!" He grinned as I leaned against the counter to face him.
"Really? I couldn't tell," I teased.
As I walked past him back to the sink, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a hug. He smirked,"Yeah, hot things like you."
I rolled my eyes, giggling,"Not now, Dev. I have work to do!"
"It can wait," He persisted.   I tried to walk off but he caught me again. I blushed,"Dev, I told you, not now."
I backed up but he walked closer. Suddenly, he fell on top of me, by accident of course. He tripped over my feet and I tripped over his tail.
We both started laughing uncontrollably. I sat up, hugging him from the back. He was still chuckling when I kissed his forehead. He smiled innocently at me, his tail wagging cutely. I smiled back.
"Okay, now leave," I told him.
"Aw! Dicey!" He whined.
"You already stalled me long enough," I stood up, and he followed suit. I turned around before he had a chance to grab me again. I brushed my hand under his chin and he purred. "Why don't you and Mug set up the decorations before it's too late. And after I'm done, I'll join the two of you to decorate the tree. Alright?"
He smiled lovingly,"Mm-hm."
With one more kiss, he left the room. I went back to the sink, smiling to myself. I lightly touched my lips with the tip of my fingers, giggling.

The Devil's POV

I sighed with a smile. Dice...
I went to the main floor, where Mugman was trying to hang a wreath over the door. I snuck up behind him, and picked him up.
He turned to me and I smiled,"Need a lift?"
He smiled back and hung the wreath. I put him back down. "Thanks! How's Dice doing?" He asked.
I nodded,"He'll be done soon, about an hour, he said. Anyways, let's finish up these decorations! We want our home to look nice for Santa, right? Otherwise, he won't leave any gifts!"
"Okay!" Mug grinned. We both grabbed a box and went to work. "Let's leave the tree decorating so Dice can do it with us!"
I smiled,"Sounds good to me!"
I never had a Christmas with a real family before. This is going to be the best holiday ever!

Cuphead's POV

The Stranger was trying to drag me away. I fought back, screaming,"Let go of me!"
"That's it! I'm sick of you trying to escape all the time!" He yelled at me. "It's time I finish you off!"
I growled, clenching my fists,"I said, let GO!"
I rammed my elbow into his nose full force. He cried out in pain, letting me go. I fell to the ground and as soon as I got up, I booked it! The Stranger started to chase after me, shooting dark electricity across the walls. I ran into a large, dark room that seemed to stretch for eternity. I have to find a way out of here!
"There's no escape!" He teleported in front of me.
I gasped, and out of pure reflects, I shot a blue bullet straight into his face. He fell and I ran around him. I saw a light at the end of the room, a doorway! I pushed past my limits, I must escape!
"You little BRAT!" I heard him scream. I didn't look back nor stop for even a minute! I just jumped through...

I landed in soft, white snow. I was back home, bear Elder Kettle's house. I gasped, and cheered,"I'M ALIVE!"
Wait-Mugman! I have to find him!
I ran again. I ran through each island, avoiding people and ignoring the Christmas decorations. The cold air stung, and my lungs were on fire, but that's not important. The only thing that matters now, is Mugman. Finally, I reached the cave entrance, and the casino. I flung open the doors. King Dice, the Devil, and Mug all turned to face me, but I didn't stop for a minute.
"MUG!" I cried, running to him.
"Cuphead-?" Mug began before I pulled him into a tight hug. I started crying, I found him, Kettle. I promised that I would. I felt Mug hug me back.
"Cup? What are you doing here? Where...were you? How-how did you get here?" Mug started tearing up.
I put both of my hands on his cheeks,"I-I'm sorry! You were right! People can change! Then-then this guy hypnotized me and forced me to hurt you! I never wanted to hurt you!" Then I started pacing around the room, panicking,"A-and then that guy! He took me to some dark realm thing! Like a prison but scarier! And I thought Elder Kettle was dead, but-but he's alive! And he's still trapped there! And that bad guy-the microphone thing-he-he fucking RAPED me! And I-"
The Devil stopped me,"Slow down, kid!"
I shrieked, and hid behind Mug. Mug looked at me queerly. He put his hand on mine,"Hey, easy. No one's going to hurt you again. You're injured. Let's patch up your wounds, and I'll get you a glass of P. Sugar. Okay?"
I nodded quickly.
Mug fixed me again, and while he did, he told me everything that had happened so far. The immortal curse, the birthday party, being adopted. That last one, I interrupted him,"So, they adopted you?"
"Yeah, I'm their foster son now," Mug answered.
"That's...that's great... I'm real proud of what you've done. You changed those two crooks into good guys. I didn't think it could be done," I meekly smiled.
He smiled back. Then, King Dice and the Devil walked into the room. The Devil crossed his arms and looked at me,"Alright, now...what happened to you."
I nodded, and explained: "After I was 'betrayed' by Mug, the townsfolk and I prepared for any evil acts you'd throw at us. Then, I met someone. I didn't know who he was, but he said he'd help me get Mug back, and I agreed to work with him. He gave me new powers but, in the end, he hypnotized everyone except the three of you and Kettle. We attacked Mug when he came into town, and I saw how King Dice and the Devil tried to save him, so did Elder Kettle. But he killed Kettle and took me away, which released everyone from his spell. I thought Elder Kettle was dead but it turns out that he was captured too! Anyways, I learned about the curse and he was furious when the Devil became mortal. So he tried to become mortal by-um-using me-"
"He raped you?" The Devil rose a brow.
"He did."
The Devil frowned, and King Dice gave a look,"Ugh. I knew that man was sick, but this-it's just wrong!"
I continued,"When he did, he forgot to re-lock my cell and I escaped. I tried to free Kettle too but he told me to find Mug. After that, I...I came here."
Mug was staring at me,"I can't believe it. You're alive...Elder Kettle is too...I..."
I got off the counter I was sitting on. Mug looked at me, beginning to cry again. I hugged him, holding back tears of my own.
"Everything will be okay..." I told him. I let go to face him. "Can-can we be brothers again?"
He sniffed, with a smile,

"We always were."

Well, Cuphead and Mugman are reunited! What a miracle! I hope you enjoyed it!

Also, announcement: If anyone has any questions then please ask in the comments and NOT the message board. I don't know why but it isn't working on my device, so that's that.

@KittyKAT2meow to answer your question:
Yes, I think you should get into Cuphead. It doesn't matter if other people don't like it; as long as you like it, then that's what's important. Still, it's your decision and this is only my suggestion.
(I'm terribly sorry I couldn't reply on the message board. I really tried. ☹️)


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