Chapter 12 : A Better Day

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Mugman's POV

Snow drifted peacefully onto the ground, until a white sheet covered Inkwell Isles.
I giggled,"Snow!"
I jumped in face first.
"It's beautiful," I said, my voice muffled by the snow.
I heard the Devil laugh. He picked me up and I wiped the snow off my face with my forearm.
He smiled,"It is pretty nice, ain't it?"
"C'mon! Let's go play!" I cheered jumping back in.

King Dice's POV

I looked outside the casino's windows. My two cutie-pies were playing outside in the snow.
I left the casino and leaned against the cave's entrance.
Mug noticed first,"Dice! Come play with us!"
"I'm good here," I smiled.
"Dicey!" The Devil smirked. "We hardly ever get snow over here! C'mon!"
I shook my head, chuckling.
Then, something hit me. I fell backwards.
"Hey!" I growled.
"Don't blow your wig, dice. It was just a snowball!" Devil said.
Mug was laughing so much that when he tripped and fell backwards into the snow, he was still laughing.
The Devil helped me up, and whispered,"I haven't seen him this happy in ages."
I nodded,"It's true." 
"We gotta keep this up."
"And we shall."
I cleared my throat and called out,"Hey, Mug! Come inside and have some hot chocolate! I gotta tell you something!"
"Hehe-Okay," he replied through fits of giggles. As we walked inside, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. When it noticed me staring back, it hid.
Someone was watching us.
I ignored it.

Mugman's POV

We were sitting inside, the Devil and I having a drink of hot chocolate. King Dice sat next to us on the bar.
"Alrighty! Listen up!" He said. "Mug, we know you've been through a lot, in fact we all have, but you especially. And, we never got to throw you a real birthday party, so, how bout one now?"
I grinned,"Yes! I'd love one!"
The Devil chuckled,"You sound like a spoiled rich kid, to be honest."
I took slight offense to that. King Dice noticed this and copied the Devil's voice,"And I sound like a dying weasel."
I turned to him,"How'd you do that!?"
"Golly! You mean this?" He said, mimicking my voice exactly.
I gasped,"That's awesome! What is that!?"
King Dice smiled, responding in his normal voice,"I can copy anybody's voice."
The Devil added,"He uses it all the time for performances. Or prank calls."
"That explains a few things," I said, remembering all the prank calls we use to get at home. "Hey, wait! I got an idea! Why don't we have a karaoke party!"
"Karaoke?" The Devil stammered. "I haven't sung in ages."
King Dice smirked,"Besides in the shower?"
I giggled. The Devil blushed,"Quiet, King!"
Dice turned to me,"If you want a karaoke party, then you can have one."
I smiled.

They really did mean it. By dusk, we were able to scrap together balloons, streamers, and cake to make our party come together.
"Here we are!" I heard King Dice announce. "The finishing touch, and our party's complete!"
He was carrying a large box with buttons, knobs, and neon LED lights. A karaoke machine. He put it down on the stage.
"Does it still work?" The Devil asked his manager.
King Dice smirked,"Only one way to find out."
He held up a microphone and turned the machine on. He turned to me,"Any requests?"
I thought for a moment,"What about your theme song? Your always singing it, and it's pretty catchy, to be honest."
He nodded,"Alrighty, here goes nothing..."

As he sang, we danced to the upbeat tune. And before long, it was over. "How was that?" King Dice asked us.
"That was great, KD!" The Devil replied while I clapped my hands in applause. King Dice bowed accordingly. Then, he stepped off the stage and passed the microphone to the Devil.
"Your turn, Dev. I hope you practiced," He teased, playfully.
"Watch me, Dice. I'll make your symphony into finger paint when I start," The Devil responded. With that, he jumped on the stage and began his song...

When the Devil finished, he looked up at us,"How's that, baby? Good enough?"
King Dice chuckled. I giggled,"It was great!"
"Ha! Thank you, Mug!" He smirked.
I blushed a bit,"I guess it's my turn."
I took the microphone from the Devil and stood at the stage. I opened my mouth to sing, but all I could manage was a nervous squeak.
They watched, patiently.
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I haven't sung anything before."
King Dice nodded. He walked on the stage, but instead of going to me, he went to the grand piano. He tapped his hand on the seat, signaling me to sit next to him. I obeyed. Curious, the Devil walked over and leaned against the piano. Once having our attention, King Dice played the keys into a beautiful melody.

Afterwards, the two of us were speechless. King Dice looked at us, knowingly. He smiled gently at me. I smiled back.
I left the piano, and took to the microphone once more, with more confidence.
I took a deep breath.

I opened my eyes again, to see King Dice and the Devil applauding politely with proud smiles on their faces.
I blushed. Suddenly, a feeling crept up my spine. It was unbearable; I couldn't ignore it. This urge sent a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. This inescapable sensation forced me to drop the mic and envelop the two adults in a hug.
They stood, shocked.
"I love you! Both of you!" I giggled, happily.
They blushed but with innocent grins written on their faces. They hugged me back.
"We love you too, kid," the Devil said to me.

I never felt happier.

Sally Stageplay's POV

"We've been fooled!" I shouted. The crowd gasped.
"It's true!" Baroness Von Bon Bon agreed. "I saw it too! King Dice and the Devil are good guys!"
The crowd's murmurs grew.
"Wait! Why would Cuphead lie to us?" Goopy Le Grande wondered aloud.
Psycarrot scoffed,"Bah! Who cares about that now? He's been missing for over a month!"
"It is his fault that we attacked Mugman," T-Bone said.
Baroness sighed,"No, it is all of our faults. We cannot put just the blame on Cuphead."
"Although," I added. "I fear that there is a bigger player at hand. Someone with dark forces at their disposal..."
"What do you mean?" The Blind Specter questioned.
"I'm not sure, but..." My voice trailed off.

A pair of yellow eyes stared at us.


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