Chapter 25 : Good For Nothing Lackey

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(Quick Message: It starts off sad but I promise, you'll like the ending. Trust me.)

King Dice's POV

He was gone. He started this, and now he won't be here to finish it. I can't believe it...
Everyone stared. We passed through town.
Inkwell Isle 3...
And now we're here. Elder Kettle's house.
The love of my life cradled the weak and injured Cuphead, and my late foster child, Mug. His eyes never left them.
Cup was still crying,"...Mug...I'm sorry... it's all my fault..."
The Devil whispered sweet nothings,"It's not your fault... you'll be okay... I promise things will get better..."
Mike knocked on the door with his good hand.
Elder Kettle opened the door and gasped in alarm.
"Are you all okay!?" He asked quickly. "Where are my grandsons!?"
Then he saw them.
"We have a lot to explain..." I murmured.

Elder Kettle and Cuphead hugged each other tightly, sobbing. We didn't dare enter the kitchen. Mike, Devil, and I sat in silence in the living room, as the now-family-of-two mourned together.
And where was Mug, the third of their family? Lying in his bed, the Devil put him there. We just couldn't bury him, we didn't have the heart.
Mike, who was sick of listening to sobs, stood up and mumbled,"I'm going for a walk..."
He left. Now, it's just the Devil and I.
I picked at my wounds, or at least the bandages they were wrapped in. I glanced at him. He was just staring at his feet, with a tired, glum look on his face.
After a few minutes, I finally spoke,"Dev?"
He barely looked up.
"Do you want to check on him? With me?" I asked.
He nodded.
The two of us silently went upstairs. In what used to be Cuphead and Mugman's room, Mug was lying lifeless on his bed. His eyes were closed, and a single blue rose sat by his bed stand (Cuphead insisted on putting the rose there).
We sat down by the bed, staring at him. I can't believe it... he's actually gone...
"No, he's not. He can't be gone," the Devil growled, obviously reading my mind.
"He's not gone!" He raised his voice a little. Tears began to fall down his face again.
I brushed my hand against his cheek. He placed his hand on mine, keeping it on his cheek. He glanced at me.
I forced a smile,"Dev...I know this sucks...we lost our home... Mug... but like you said, everything will get better...right?"
He pulled me close, and began to wipe away the tears I didn't realize we're on my face. His soft breathing, his warm fur; his embrace gave me a sleepy sensation.
I closed my eyes drowsily, with a final thought...

Things will get better.

Tired, are we?
I gasped, and looked around. Everything was dark. I couldn't see. There was nothing.
Where am I?  I spoke.
You're nowhere. You're asleep.
Wait, who are you!? Why are you in my head!?
The voice chuckled, You know me all too well... how's Mug doing?
I scowled, The Stranger... what'd you want!? Haven't you tortured us enough already today!?
He laughed, Calm down, hottie. I want to help you out.
I don't need your help! Now get out of my head!
Whether you like it or not, I'm going to help you. I just want to warn you about the Devil, His voice went stern.
I growled, I told you to leave!
I tried to throw an attack, firing cards, dice, and anything else I could. Where are you, you creep!?
Listen to me, you need to know. The Devil doesn't love you. He's using you.
What...? No! I don't believe you! He does love me!
Does he? How do you know?
I--! I... well... well how do you know he doesn't?
You hesitated. You don't know, do you?
Of course I know! I protested. We turned him mortal, together! So, there! Ha!
Hm? You do realize you don't need to be in love to turn them mortal, right? You just need to have sex with a virgin who's above the age of 18.
I stopped. He's right.
W-well... he took care of me! He raised me!
Only because you were his slave! Remember? You gave him your soul!
What if he's right...? I swallowed hard, crestfallen. I couldn't think of anything else.
Face it! He doesn't love you! And I have proof...
Yes... before The Devil battled those two porcelain pests, he mentioned you, just not in a good way...
Everything suddenly shifted. We were in the casino. Cuphead and Mugman were facing the Devil head on. A...memory...?
Yes... now listen...
The Devil from the past said to them,"Well, well, well...look how far you've come! Not only did you bust up my good-for-nothing lackey, King Dice-"
My heart shattered.
You see? I tried to warn you.
I fell to my knees, No...
The world suddenly began to swirl, faster and faster, turning into a blur. My heart raced, my body sweating vigorously. My world was falling apart! I kept hearing those awful words!

GoOd-fOR-nOtHInG LAckEy

gOoD-FoR-NOthiNG lACkeY


I gasped, jolting upright. It was midnight. We were downstairs in the living room. Everyone was asleep, even the Devil, with his arm wrapped around my waist.
Was that a nightmare? But it felt so real...
I looked at the sleeping demon. I suddenly stood up and began to shake him,"Wake up! Dev, wake up!"
His eyes opened,"Mm? Dice?"
I frowned,"Follow me."
Before he could say anything, I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him outside. I lead him just a little outside the house into the moonlight.
"KD? What is this about?" He rubbed his eyes.
I stared at him straight in the face,"Do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that?" He raised a brow.
"Answer it."
"Of course I love you."
I glared,"Liar."
I started to walk off.
"What-Hey! Dicey, wait!" He grabbed my arms and pulled me into hug. "What's the matter? You can tell me anything."
"You don't love me! The Stranger told me everything!" I snapped.
"The Stranger!?" He barked. "He just killed Mugs, why should you believe him!?"
"Why do you care, since I'm just a good-for-nothing lackey!?"
His eyes widened,"Oh...oh, Dice... I didn't mean it, you know I say things when I'm mad!"
"Okay, then. Prove it. Prove that you love me," I crossed my arms.
"Remember all those times we had fun together? Like singing karaoke together, or trying to learn how to be 'model citizens'?"
"That was never love! It was lust! You're just as bad as the Stranger! You just want me for my body!" I growled.
He looked crestfallen.
"Goodbye, Dev. It was nice knowing you..." I said, even though I didn't want to say it. The truth is, I still love him. But I won't let anyone use me for sex again!
I turned around, but then he pleaded,"Wait! I can prove it!"
I turned around, yelling,"How!?"
He kept his eyes on me, as he put one hand behind his back. He pulled out something that I never thought I'd see again.

My soul contract.

"I've been holding on to this ever since Cup and Mug destroyed the casino the first time. I wanted to wait for the right moment, and I think this is the best moment I've got," He said.
"What'd you mean?" I eyed him.
With a snap of his fingers, the soul contract flew out of his hands and burnt to a crisp.
I gasped as I felt the empty feeling in my chest fill itself again. I didn't realize how empty I felt, it's been gone for so long! My soul came back to me.
I panted, feeling alive again. I missed that feeling! But, why did he...?
I stared at him with wide eyes.
He stared at me back with a sad smile,"You're free. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore, I kinda did force it. So, now it's your choice."
He began to walk back to the house.
I felt my lips curl into a wide smile. He does love me! I laughed with delight, which got him to turn around. I was crying tears of joy.
I ran to him,"Why wouldn't I want to be with you!?"
I jumped into his open arms, hugging him. He hugged me back, laughing and crying. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips,"Thank you."
He smiled,"Thank you! Dice, your the love of my life, and all I want is to see you happy!"
"I love you, Dev!" I giggled.
"I love you too, Dicey!" He grinned.
We stood there, holding each other close. We just were happy, just like we used to be. For a moment, the world felt right. And then it got better.
We heard someone kick open the front door. It was Mike and Cup. They were smiling with glee.
"Guys! Get in here quick!" Mike told us.
"Why? What's this about?" The Devil asked.
Cuphead cried out,

"Mug woke up!"

I know that last chapter was really sad, and no one was happy about it. So, I wrote another one so no one sneaks into my house to kill me. I still hope you don't, enjoy! I'll be back with more less-depressing stuff! (Again, I'm sorry!)


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