Chapter 19 : Don't Let It Get To You, Cuphead!

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Cuphead's POV

I felt... strange. My eyes were burning, and no matter how many times I washed them out, they still felt the same. Was it from my lack of sleep? I never slept when I was prisoner to the Stranger. I was scared that if I closed my eyes, I'd never open them again, so I had refused to sleep.
Things are different now that I'm with Mugman at the Devil's Casino. It's hard to believe that the safest place for the both of us just so happens to be the same place the Devil lives. As long as we're safe, though, I could care less who lives with us.
Still, they were different too. The Devil seemed less aggravated and intimidating. Instead, he was more energetic and-dare I say it-likable. I had no idea he had a great sense of humor and fun. As for King Dice, he changed too. He was no longer some sleazy, creepy manager who walked around the casino. Now, he was more friendly and approachable, but more reserved than the Devil.
I'll admit, I'm proud of my little brother. He's come a long way without him even noticing. He's befriended the Devil and King Dice, turning them into good guys, he's fought off the hypnotized town folk of Inkwell, and has even fought off this mysterious Stranger who's always after us. Mugman's unbeatable!
"C'mon, Cup," I heard him say. "We can sleep on the throne tonight."
"Are you sure we're allowed to, Mug?" I asked him.
"Of course! I slept here when King Dice was helping Devil turn mortal!" He smiled innocently. He sat on the throne, fixing the blanket,"I'm still not sure how they did it. Devil said it has to with 'the birds and bees' but that makes no sense! You told me that 'the birds and bees' is where babies come from."
I cleared my throat, awkwardly.
Then he gasped,"Are they gonna have a baby!?"
I bursted into laughter while he watched me, confused. I climbed on throne with him,"I'll tell you when your older."
"How old?"
"Um... as old as me!"
"That's impossible! You and I are two years apart! I'll never be the same age as you are!"
I sighed,"I meant I'll tell you when you're ten. You don't have to be so literal."
He chuckled,"Sorry!"
With a yawn, I pulled the covers over my brother,"Night, Mug."
He caught my contagious yawn,"Goodnight, Cup..."
As soon as he closed his eyes, he was fast asleep. I watched his small chest rise and fall. Mug's so innocent. So naïve. He doesn't understand these things. To be honest, I don't either, but I know them better than he does. Sure, he's gone through a lot himself, but he hardly knows anything about what's really going on. Maybe that's for the better. Unlike Mug, I know what's going on. That Stranger-guy isn't done with us yet. Sure, the Devil is a mortal now, but that's not going to stop him from trying.
He already tried it with me. I remember it almost too well. I remember the pain I felt when I tried to fight him off and he'd beat me. I remember the weird pleasure I felt when he did all those nasty things to me. I remember crying an unhealthy amount of time; maybe that's why my eyes hurt. Most of all, I remember being terrified. I still am.
Bringing back memories of that horrible experience made me want to cry some more. Mug heard me, and woke up. With a faint gasp, he hugged me,"What's wrong, Cup? Why are you crying?"
I hugged him back,"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I just...had a nightmare."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I didn't respond. I want to, but I can't.
"No. Let's just...go to bed," I answered.
Mug curled back into a ball and I slept beside him. My eyes grew heavy. All of that sleep deprivation was catching up to me.  Before long, everything went silent and still, and I drifted away.
I heard Mug talking to me in my sleep.
"Cup, stopping moving me."
I wasn't moving him.
Suddenly, Mug quickly moved and he screamed. I shot up, wide awake.
The Stranger was dragging Mug by his legs.
"NO!" I gasped.
"CUP! HELP!" He cried desperately, trying to catch a grip on the floor.
I ran to him, getting ready to shoot the Stranger when--
I was sent sprawling to the floor as dark electricity traveled up my body. I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. Everything was fading black.
"CUP!" I heard Mug scream.
I couldn't respond. I couldn't save him. I failed you, Elder Kettle. I failed you, Mug.

Everything went dark.

I jolted upwards. I was sitting on the throne. It was morning. Was it a dream? No. King Dice and The Devil were having a heated debate when they noticed I was awake.
"Cup? What happened last night? Where's Mugman?" King Dice asked me, a worried expression on his face.
"I don't-what?" I stammered.
"We heard screaming last night. When we came in here, there were scratch marks on the floor and you were unconscious. What happened? Where is Mug?" The Devil explained hastily.
I lowered my head so they wouldn't see my tears.

"Mug is gone."

I hope you liked the chapter.
I have a new Cuphead story called
"The Mystery of Inkwell"
It's about the children of the Cuphead characters trying to solve a mystery as to why people are disappearing all over Inkwell.
I'm working on this story with a friend so updates will be slower for that story and it might be a little confusing but please check it out. The first chapter is already out and the second one will come out soon.
Thank you!
Also, Happy New Year!


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