Chapter 7 : The Assult

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The Devil's POV

I woke up to a beautiful sight. My arms were wrapped around King Dice and Mugman, who were still peacefully sleeping. I smiled. It was adorable. It gave me that feeling again...hope. Or, was this something new?
Either way, I still had to force myself from them, despite wanting to stay. But, before I left my office, I took one last look. I left, leaving the door partially open to let some cool air in.
Autumn was coming, the leaves were already changing colors. "Hmm..." I smirked, as I thought, You know what? I'll surprise them with breakfast. I happily marched my way over to the casino's entrance. Only then did I realize I don't know how to cook. Oh well, I'll try!

King Dice's POV

I opened my eye as the sun shined through. The Devil had already left, he never sleeps in. Yet, I could still see Mugman snuggled under my arm with an innocent smile across his face. So, I decided not to move so I wouldn't wake him up. I laid my head back on the pillow, closed my eyes, and focused on the cool breeze brushing against my face.
Then, I felt something else. A hand, slowly rubbing my cheek with their finger. I opened my eyes. Nothing. I closed them. The feeling came back. Open, nothing. Closed, feeling. Oh crap, not this again.
"Mug, wake up," I nudged the small child.
He opened one eye. Then, realizing how close he was to me, he jolted upright,"Oh! Sorry!"
"No, not that. I think...I think that person is back."
"Ssh!" I quickly covered his mouth. I looked around the room. "Okay, let's leave."
Mug nodded. But, as soon as our feet touched the floor, the door slammed shut. I heard a click. We gasped as we ran to the door. I pulled on the knob. It was locked.
"We have to find another exit!" I told Mugman, trying to stay calm.
"There!" He said, pointing to a small hole in the wall. "If I get through it, I can open the door on the other side!"
"Good idea!" I agreed. I picked him up and raised him to the wall. He slipped through the hole easily (although his head almost got stuck). I waited for a moment. I felt the door shake.
"It's not opening!" I heard Mug's muffled cry.
"Stand back!" I shouted through the door. I waited for a moment. Then I backed up, and rammed full force into the door. It knocked me back.
"Urk!" I winced, knocking my head on the Devil's desk. I stood back up, rubbing my head. "Ah-new plan! Go and get the Boss! He'll know what to do!"
"Okay!" I heard Mug replied, and the soft pitter-patter of his feet running away. Then, everything fell silent.
"Hello, King Dice~"
I gasped as I heard a voice. I turned around but couldn't see a thing.
"Don't try to look, you won't find what you seek."
"Who are you!? Why are your torturing us like this!?" I yelled.
Suddenly, I felt something grab my arm and pull it behind my back while my other arm was held above my head. I could feel someone breathing behind me; they were just as tall as I was. Just as strong too. I tried to pull away, but they held me tighter. I felt a face next to mine, it was smirking. It kissed my cheek multiple times. My face went purple in embarrassment.
"S-STOP IT!" I screamed.
"Make me."

Mugman's POV

"Devil! Devil!" I shouted, running into the casino.
"Oh, hey, kid! I made breakfast! Actually, I ordered it, but it's better than what I tried to make," The Devil laughed.
"Someone's after us! Dice is locked in your office and I think someone's hurting him!" I told him in panic.
His face went hard,"What? Okay, let me get this straight. Someone is after you and Dice, but not me? Is this a prank? Are you trying to scare me or something?"
"No! It's true! Dice is in trouble!"
"Fine! But if it's a prank-!"
"JUST GO!!!"
Devil followed slowly behind me, obviously not believing what I was telling him. I made it to the office first. I pressed my head against the door.
"What the hell is wrong with you!? Get away from me, you pervert!" I heard Dice struggling.
"You're mine! And I won't let that bubble-blowing baby for a boss you have take you away from me!" I heard another voice.
I gasped,"C'MON! HURRY UP!"
The Devil growled,"Watch it, kid. I don't know what you're playing at but-"
"AH! STOP!" Dice screamed from behind the door.
The Devil stopped dead. He heard it too. We both were now pressing our heads against the door, trying to make out what they're saying.
"AH-No! URK!" Dice was gasping for air.
"Hold still, then it won't hurt as much! Just let me make my mark~" The voice cooed.
The Devil's growl deepened with each cry for help. Finally, he had enough and broke down the door with a single kick.
His voice was demonic, and full of rage,"LET GO OF MY DICE!"
I saw a figure quickly vanish, and King Dice drop to the floor. The Devil rushed over and picked up him up. Dice managed to get back on his feet, but leaning heavily on the Devil.
"Dicey! Who the hell did this to you!?" The Devil grit his teeth.
"I-I don't know...I couldn't see them..." he moaned. His upper body was covered in bloody bite marks.
The Devil held him close, rubbing the back of Dice's head. Dice closed his eyes and rested in his arms.
The Devil looks at me, angry and sad,"I'm sorry, Mug. I should've believed you. I won't doubt you again."
"It's fine, that doesn't matter now. Did you see who got away?" I said.
"Barely, but I recognized the voice..." the Devil answered.
"Who-who is it?" Dice asked meekly.
The Devil didn't reply. Instead, he said,"C'mon, lets go patch you up. Kid? Can you get his clothes for me?"
I only stared.
He gave a stern look to me,"Kid?"
I nodded, and grabbed the folded clothes on the chair.

I followed them out the door, and shut it behind me.


Right Hand Man (King Dice x Devil) Where stories live. Discover now