Chapter 30 : Lead On

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The Stranger's POV

Perfect. Those idiots are falling for it. I've merely left a trail of breadcrumbs in the forest for them to follow. But once they arrive, well, that's when the real fun begins. I'll kill them senselessly, no survivors. Only Mike and King Dice will live. Mike because-well-he's a prick. As for King Dice...I want have some fun.
It'll be fun making them suffer for my pleasure, and I'll slowly slit the Devil's throat. If he ever makes it...

Mike R. Phone's POV

We followed the footsteps for what felt like hours. No one spoke, we were only determined to defeat him. To kill the Stranger.
Yet, I feel conflicted about this, dear readers, as you have all been able to tell. You all know that when he dies, I die, and vice versa. I'm going to die tonight. What do I do? I never wanted things to go like this. I don't want to end like this. But I can't stop them. If I do, the Stranger will continue to torment us until he gets what he wants, and then some. My fate has been sealed, there is nothing I can do about it.
Dear readers, I'm...scared. I'm scared out of my mind. Now that I know what will happen to me, I'm too scared to face it. What do I do?
I gasped, startled. Mug, who interrupted my thoughts, stared at me. I cleared my throat, "Oh, Mug. You-you startled me."
"Mike?" He asked, concern written in his face and stripped in his voice. "Are you okay?"
"I..." What do I say? I looked ahead to the group, who were moving forward without noticing we had stopped. I looked back down to Mug, and mumbled,"I'm not okay."
"Are you scared?"
I nodded,"And, please don't say things will get better, because you know what's going to happen to me."
He acknowledged this. He bit his lip,"Mike, I know things won't get better for you. The long and short of it is that your going to die, and I realized this. In all honesty, I don't want you to die, none of us do. I wanted to get to know you more, and become closer friends. But, that won't happen, and it's my fault..."
"What? It's not your fault!"
"It is! I tried to help you, I wanted to give you a chance to be good. Instead, I screwed up! I unleashed the evil inside of you that manifested into its own separate being, who wants our heads on a stick. In fact, all of this is my fault! If I hadn't..." he sighed, holding back tears. "...if I hadn't thought that I could change King Dice and the Devil to be good one would be suffering because of me..."
I stared at him in disbelief. This isn't my happy-go-lucky Mug, who always looks on the bright side of life. This wasn't my innocent Mug, who's precious heart saw the light in the darkness. This isn't his fault.
I knelt down beside him, and cradled the small child in my arms,"Mug, you're the reason why we're all here, but is that really a bad thing? Look at us, look at you, we've changed. You changed us. You've turned naïve, narrow-minded adults into kind, and considerate model citizens. You turned hateful enemies into a strong family. You've changed yourself. You were once an innocent child, with a heart of gold, and now, your heart has grown even bigger. Mug, you said you wanted to give me a chance to be good, but you already did. I couldn't be happier and more proud to say that you, and all of them, are my family. I'd say that's worth dying for."
He stared at me with wide, watery eyes in a still silence. I looked up ahead, the rest of our group stared at me like Mug. A moment that stretched out for eternity was kept in silence. Finally, I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my neck. Little Mug, my Mug, was sobbing lightly while hugging me. I hugged him back, "Ssh, don't cry. Everything will be okay."
"But you said that it wouldn't..." was the child's muffled response.
"I was wrong. Besides, there is a good side to everything. Right?"
Mug wiped his face with palms of his hands, and sniffed. Then he smiled with a nod,"Right."
I smiled back. Dev, and the others wore sad smiles. We all did. "We better continue, the Stranger isn't far."
With that, we continued on our trail. I placed Mug back on the ground, but he held my hand in his. We walked together. My little Mug.

Dear Readers, I'm no longer scared.

Let's all be honest, that was the most heartbreaking chapter yet. And yes, I have a heart, it's just not broken easily.

Edit : I took off the list of actors that I had.

(Date Unknown)

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