Chapter 2

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We ran and ran until we came to an old door.

"This is our classroom," Calum said, "I'll go first, and you follow me after a few minutes. See you later."

"See you," I said.

Calum opened the door and went in. Now I had to wait for a few minutes. In this minutes I sat on a chair before the room and listened what happened in the classroom. It sounds very loud. I heard a women who shouted "Quiet please!"

After a few minutes I stood up and knocked on the door. The whole class shouted "Come in!" and I went in. Then the teacher came over to me. She lookes very young.

"You must be the new girl! What's your name again?" , she asked me.

"Lea" , I said. But she didn't stop to ask.

"That doesn't sound Australian, English or American. Where are you from?"

"Germany" , I added.

"Interesting. Can you speak german?"

"Of course!!"

"Ok, your desk is in the back, between Jessica and Michael."

So I went to my desk. Jessica was a small girl. She had blonde hair and blue eyes which had big eyeshadows. She wor a pink Hollister shirt. Michael had coloured fluffy hair anf wor a black and white longarm shirt. His natural hair colour was a riddle for me.

I sat down. Michael smiled at me, but Jessica looked at me strangely.

"So, like you can see, we have a new girl in our year" , the teacher said, "come over to me and tell us something about you."

Now I went to her and started to speak:

"Hi, I'm Lea. I left my old home and moved to Sydney. I love music, so I decided to learn at a music Highschool. "

Then I went back to my desk.

In the first lesson we had Maths with our year teacher Mrs. Simpson. She had been the young teacher who said "Hello" to me first. The lesson was boring, unlike at my old school. There we learned Maths in games and it was fun. But in this lesson at my new school they talked about their homework and I was happy when the lesson was over. The breaks and the other lessons weren't better either, so I was happy when the whole day was over! But when I left the school, it wasn't boring anymore ...

Music Highschool ( 5 Seconds of Summer ♡) ||finished||Where stories live. Discover now