Chapter 17

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When they came upstairs, both looked very happy. Franka came to me and hugged me.

"Franka?" , I asked during she hugged me, "are you ok?"

"Lea, let's go in the bathroom! I have to tell you something! " , she said very happily.

So we went into the bathroom. When we arrived there, Franka said very happily:

"I'm the happiest girl across the world!"

"Oh my god! Why? What happened?"

"Luke said he always loved me!! But he had been to afraid to tell me!"

"Oh my god, that's wonderful! Are you together now too?"


I couldn't say anything. I couldn't believe it. They were really together!

"Lea? Why don't you say anything? "

"It's so wonderful!"

"Yes!! But we want to start it slowly!"

"That's fine!"

"I think you should start it slowly with Ashton too!"

"I'm not sure.. "

"C'mon! Talk to him! If he really loved you, he would accepted it."

"Yes, maybe you're right. But I want to hear on my stormach feeling!"

"Yes. But don't wait to long!"

"I can't wait to tell him I want to be together with him! But there hasn't been the right moment yet. I'm still waiting for the right moment."

"Yes, but -"

"Guys! Can you hurry up please? We want to watch the first movie!" , Luke shouted.

"Yeah, babe! We're coming!"

We went back to the others. Ashton, Calum and Michael have already sitten on the table and Luke put some chrisps.

"We'll watch Fast Furious 2! Do you want some chocolate too?"

"No, thank you, babe"

So we first watched Fast Furious 2. It was a cool movie.

"So, let's watch Highschool Musical now" , Franka said after the movie.

So we watched Highschool Musical.  It remembered me on our school: We watched a Musical in school on Wednesday. It was cool!

But after this movie we had a break and there happened a lot of things...


But if you want to know what happened, read the next Chapter!

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Love, Lea

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