Chapter 13

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After we had dinner at "Joe's" Ashton asked:

"Can I take you home?"

Oh my god!! He really wanted to take me home! It felt like a dream!

"... Yes, why not?" , I said shyly.

"Cool!" , he added.

We walked, talked and laughed about the dinner and that we were "perfect". Suddenly Ashton stood.

"Lea" , he said shyly,  " I have to tell you something ...."

"Oh no! Are you in trouble? Do you need help with something ?!"

"No .... I think I'm in love with you!!"

I couldn't say anything.  I hadn't got any words for my feelings.

It was quiet. There was just a car which was driving across the street.

After a few minutes silence Ashton asked carefully:

"Is that bad?"


"ehm ... can I hug you?"

And I hugged him and it was an very emocional hug. It took almost a whole minute. Maybe it was really a whole minute. But it felt so good ... I can't put it in words. After that magic hug, he kissed me on my left cheek. My heart was racing!!

I'm pretty sure he was going to kiss me on the mouth. But after the kiss on the cheek I broke up.

"Ashton ... " , I said unsurely, "I'm not sure if that is the right way .. I have to wait. Maybe we can get together after a while, but I'm still broken..."

"Which asshole has broken your heart?! " , he asked angrily.

"His name was Kyle and he is my Ex-boyfriend. He told me all the time that he loves just me, but he has another girlfriend the whole time. This is why I broke up! That was a few months before I changed school." , I told him, but I wasn't sure if that was the right way.

But his answer surprised me:

"Ok, I can wait .. but I really hope we'll be together someday! "

"Maybe "

We both didn't say a word until we get to the door of my house. There we said "goodbye". And then I went in and he went home. And then we didn't talk anymore until the next day at Luke's. But first something different happend ...

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