Chapter 23

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I'm sorry for the late Update, because I've got a second FanFic now and it's a lot of work to write two stories .. sorry for that! I hope you'll read on anyway and you'll start to read my second FanFic too :)

Love, Lea ♡


Today it was Friday and today after school I was going to go to Michael's birthday party.

A few hours after I had come from school and I was ready for the party, the bell rang.

I opened the door and it was Ashton.

"Hey baby" , he saluted me and gave me a big hug.

Then my mum came into the hall:

"Please get into the car, guys! The cake is already inthere and it's time to drive on."

So we got into the car and my mum drove us to Michael's party. It was a very funny drive. We sang to the radio and told each other jokes.


Ashton and I went to the door and saw a happy Michael.

"Happy Birthday, Mikey!" , I said and hugged him.

"Happy Birthday! Beat in!" , Ashton said happily and they had a high-five.

We went in and saw Luke, Franka and Calum on the bar, so we went over to them.

"Hey", Franka saluted us, " sit down and drink a cocktail. The cocktails are great! "

"Yes" , Luke said, " eehm .. I'll go to the toilet. "

Ashton and me sat down and drunk a cocktail and Luke went to the toilet.

"Lea, we two will go dancing now!" , Franka said, took my hand and pulled me on the dancefloor.

"Franka, what's wrong with you??"

She looked very sad:

"I think Luke wants to flirt with other girls! He said he wanted to go to the toilet very unsure."

"Franka, calm down! Do you see him on the dancefloor flirting with other girls?!"

I looked around and was shocked, because ... I saw him with another girl. She had dark brown hair and dark eyes. She looked a bit like Franka.

"Franka" , I said unsure, " look over there, please..." , and I pointed in Luke's direction.

"I knew it!!" , she said very unhappy.

"What will you do now?" , I asked carefully.

"I will go over to him and shout at him! If he really loved me he would never do something like that!"

"Franka, you know that he's a little player. He's beautiful and famous in school and a lot of girls are loving him! I think he don't want any love and ... "

But she has already gone over to Luke and the girl and screamed at them ... an awful start for a birthday party.

Music Highschool ( 5 Seconds of Summer ♡) ||finished||Where stories live. Discover now