Chapter 26

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I screamed. I was so afraid!

Franka looked down the entrance carefully and wispered:

"Oh my god, Lea! The leader is away and there some guy-"

"Be quiet, bitches! Nobody will find you now" , somebody shouted.

It was a man's voice, but I didn't know this voice.

"We have been looking for you, because Ashton left my sister for you! You'll be hungry until you'll die! And nobody will find you in this huge forest!"

I was shocked, puzzled and afraid. Ashton didn't left another girl for me, did he?

I heard some mopeds were driving away.

"Hello?!" , Franka shouted loudly, but nobody replied, so I was sure that we were alone in the black dark forest.

"Franka?" , I asked carefully, "did Ashton really ... left another girl for me?"

"Of course not!! That was Justin, the big brother of Ashton's ex-girlfriend Marilyn. Ashton broke up with her a year ago, since then he always tried to hurt Ashton's new girlfriends, because he thinks Marilyn still loves him, but that's wrong, because she had 2 boyfriends after Ashton!"

"Ok! But I'll ask him! Otherwise I would feel bad."

"Ok .. but now we have to get out of the treehouse! It's a pity, but Justin was right: Nobody would hear us if we shouted for help!"

"Maybe it's better to wait until it's bright, because then we can see more than now."

"Ok .. I'll try to sleep, but I'm pretty sure that I won't can sleep the whole night. How coukd something bad like that happened?!"

"I don't know" , I added and lay down.

I thought to Ashton and the party. Were they worried about us? I had told Michael that we wanted to come back. We had to wait, but I really didn't like it!

I think after hours I slept finally in.

*on the next morning*

I woke up in the morning. The sun shined in my face. I didn't know the truth time, because I didn't have a clock next to my "bed" in the tree house.

I grabbed for my mobile and saw the clock. It was 9.12 am.

"Franka?" , I asked carefully, "are you awake? "

No answer, so I thought she was still sleeping.

I waited a few minutes and I was bored. What should I do? I was in a tree house and I really didn't know how I could get out of it without a leader.

Suddenly I had an idea. I thought I should try to call Ashton. He had to be worried about me!

I tried and tried to call him, but my mobile wasn't able to call anybody, because we were in a dark forest and there was of course no receipt.

Suddenly Franka moved ...

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