Chapter 33

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Their conversation tooks until the school bell rang and our teacher came into the classroom. But I wasn't able to concentrate on the lesson. I had just these one question:

Will Frake excist anymore or is Franke broken up?

The lesson took one hour, but it felt like three days and I was very happy after the school bell had rang to break.

After our teacher was gone, Franka came over to me and Michael (he's still sitting next to me) and she was smiling.

"Franka" , I asked her, "what happened?"

"I was such an idiot! He just explained me everything." , was her answer.

"Was there anything to explain?" , Michael asked.

Franka and I laughed:

"Oh Mikey, you're still sleeping, right?"

"Maybe, maybe not" , he laughed.

"Ok" , I said and saw to Michael, "then tell us everything."

"very funny" , Michael said and rolled his eyes.

"So" , Franka started to tell, "the girl on Mikeys Party of course wasn't a flirt .. I made a big mistake ..."

"Franka, what happened?!" , I asked.

She started to laugh:

The girl was .. his Cousin Kathi!"

We laughed.

"What a fail" , Michael said.

"So you were jealous without a reason" , I said.

"Michael, you're crazy, but this is why I like you" , Franka laughed, "and Lea, you were right and I want to say thank you to you, because without you Luke and I wouldn't be together anymore.

She hugged me.

"You mean Frake wouldn't excist anymore.

"Frake?!" , Franka asked puzzledly.

"Frake forever" , Michael said, and we all started to laugh again.

Franka laughed.

Suddenly Luke came over to us, kissed Franka and asked:

"What's going on here? And what is so funny?"

"They call us Frake" , Franka laughed.

"Hahahahahahahaha" , Luke laughed.

Then the school bang rang again and we had our next lesson.

It was a relaxed school day. And we all were happy, because Frake was real again and on Sunday it was a big day ... 5 Seconds of Summer's concert ..


Hey :)

Here's a new chapter. Hope you like it ^^

Maybe you know, the story will be over now .. so maybe you can comment what you think about the story :D

I don't know when I'll have time to update again, because I have to go to school again, but I hope, I'll have time to update again soon. Sorry for that :/

See you in the next chapter :D

Love you ♡

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