Chapter 8

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

As I walk away from Jimins house I wonder why he seemed anxious about me not want to come to his house but, really what's on my mind is getting home and taking a long nap. Possibly also listening to music, but mostly sleeping.

Once I get into my cold, empty house I close the door and throw my bag somewhere in the room I immediately fall into the comfort of my couch and fall into a deep sleep


I wake up after I have no clue how long and I see a text on my phone so, reluctantly I get off of the couch and pick up my phone and find 2 messages and read them in my mind.

Park_Mochi: Hello grandpa Suga - Hyung. 💛
Sent 3:56pm

Hmm Suga, I wonder where he got that name from, but I like it. Then I look at the other text.

RapMon: yo dt suga whats up? Remember me? Eh whatever, just do u wanna meet up somewhere? (just not a lamb skewer place k)
Sent 5:23pm

Rap Mon, Rap Mon, I feel like I've heard that name before. Oh! I remember now, it was that one guy who I made music with and was friends with for a period of time, Kim Namjoon. I have no clue what happens between the two of us. Also that might be where Jimin got the nickname suga from, but there is likely no way he is aware of my underground rapping thing so I'm guessing he just got that from that from the top of his head. After all that thinking I decide to look at the time. 5:34pm. I also decide to text Namjoon back first. Also I find it funny he still had the name Rap Mon even though he likes to be called RM now.

So, where do u want 2 go? : Min Swag
Sent 5:35pm

RapMon: I dunno, I know that there's a new bakery somewhere in our area want 2 go check it out, I'm also really hungry so pls hurry up and tell me if you have any other ideas.
Sent 5:35pm

Wait, wouldn't bakery's have bread not actual meals? But yeah sure whatever just send me the address and I'll meet you there k
Sent 5:36

RapMon: Whatever just here's the address -->*************** (A/N Just imagine an address )


I got there on time and saw Namjoon sitting at a table in the far corner on his phone, which I'm surprised he did break yet. Then, I  start to walk over to the table and sit down and that's when he notices me.

     "Ah, Suga Hyung wasup, haven't talked in a while what's up?" He said as I sat down.

     "Sorry, just had a lot on my mind recently and I guess I forgot all about us in that time, I dunno." I say as my mind drifts away and my eyes wander around the more cafe like bakery.

    "Well that's in the past, now I just wanted to-" Namjoon said but was interrupted when someone walks over to the table and sits down.

    "Ah, Namjoonie, you never told me you had a friend. Oh and here's you coffee. " The man says as he sits down beside Namjoon and stretches his arms out as if he was really tired.

     "Oh, I forgot to tell you that I got a wonderful boyfriend here, his name's Jin." Namjoon says as he puts his hand around his boyfriend, also I wasn't surprised that he had a boyfriend since he did say he was either gay or bi but, either way love is still love and I got none of it.

     "I hope Namjoon doesn't wereck your ass too." I say under my breath so no one could hear.

    "Yah! I can introduce myself you know!" I hear Namjoons boyfriend Jin shout as he hits Namjoons arm.


     More time passed, more namjin moments happened, I eventually got food we talked and caught up with each other in our lives, though my life being a hundred times less infatuating. Eventually, it was time for Jin to close up for the day since apparently Jin Hyungs family owns this bakery. First he locked the front door then we headed to the back to lock that door, but on the way I saw a certain Park Jiminie in the corner of my eye.

     "Jimin Ah! Thanks for helping me at this time, just make sure that you get some rest when you get home! Okay?! Also don't forget the food I gave you!" Jin Hyung shouted at Jimin in an motherly way as Jin Hyung headed further into the back, to the door.

    "Um, Jin Hyung is it okay if I stay with Jimin here until he is ready to leave?" I ask Jin Hyung.

    "You know you don't need to ask me right? Also no need to worry if the door is locked since it's locked from the outside." Jin Hyung answers.

    So I decide to stay with Jimin and as I walk toward him I hear Jin Hyung and Namjoon walk out the door and lock it. Then, it's just me and Jimin in the room, alone.

     "Eh? Yoongi Hyung why didn't you go with Namjoon and Jin Hyung? He says as he gets his suff and fixes his shirt.

     "Because I wanted to stay here with you." I say as I wrap my arms around Jimins surprisingly tiny waist. Wait Yoongi What Are You Doing? Control Yourself!

     "E-Ermm, Yoongi Hyung what are you doing?" He says as he jolts at the sudden action.

     I can feel the heat of his body heating up since he is most likely quite flustered. He just seems so venerable right now Yoongi maybe you could do something to him. YOON GI MIN. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING. I feel my two minds clash.


A/N Well this as a slightly longer chapter, and when I say slightly longer I mean like a thousand words long. Also I know a thousand words isn't a lot but I managed to do this in one day so...... that still barley changes anything. Whelp.

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