Chapter 17 (세븐틴)

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Yoongi's P.O.V

I learned that Jimin had fainted and hit his head on the concrete because of poor dieting but, I feel like I'm somehow related to his pain. Though, my sister Yoongi came over and, while I was taking her around I saw Jimin on the other side of the street. I called out his name even though I know I shouldn't have. I feel like I hurt him since I also learned what I did to Jimin that one night. I spent the next few days in my secluded home reflecting my decisions, I just felt so guilty for doing that to him. He never deserved that.

Another thing, when my sister, Yoonji came over she gave me a Christmas gift. We also talked about what's home like back in Daegu. She just came and left really, our parents don't come to visit. She's really the only real family I see. Though, I actually saw Jimin walk past us while we were walking. I did say hi but I immediately regretted it when I saw his face. Once she left I went back to being an antisocial turtle.

     I've just realized now that I've been away from school from an entire week but, honestly I don't care much about school. I've also heard that Jimin is going back to school on Monday but, for some reason I want to see him. I want to apologize. then I realize I have to sit right beside him for first period.


      It's now Monday morning, I'm sleep deprived. Why is it I can only sleep during the day? I head to school and I'm late, what a surprise. If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic. I walk in the hallways and they're seemingly empty and quiet until I get to my locker.

     "Well I guess your boyfriend can't save you in here." I hear a voice say down the hall, possibly in the bathroom, followed by muffled cries.

     Normally, I wouldn't step into these kind of things but now is different. I make my way into the boys bathroom and I see Jimin being harassed by a group of other boys, about 7 or so. There's one holding him up while the other boys watch as one of them try's to strip him of his clothing. He's left with a half opened shirt with a blazer left on the ground while they try and unbuckle his pants. They also stuffed something in his mouth to mute the noise. That disgusts me.

     "I bet Yoongi loved fucking your ass, Humph." The boy taking of his clothes says while lifting up Jimins chin to look at him and grinning devilishly.

     I can't just stand there so I run in and hit the person trying to touch Jimin then, I beat everyone else who was in there. Once I finished dealing with everyone there I walk over to Jimin and I place my hand on his shoulder.

     "Jimin? Are y-" I try to say but am interrupted.

     "Shut up! You're no different than them!" He says while kicking me to the ground then fixing himself.

     He leaves me on the cold bathroom floor since all the boys who were in here ran out. Though did he forget we sit together? Eh whatever. I walk to my first period class 15+ minutes late. I sit down beside Jimin as he tries not to look at me. I don't know what to say to him so I get a piece of paper and write him a note.

     Hey, i'm sorry for what i did, i never wanted to hurt you.

     I slide the note over to him hoping he'll see but he just throws it in the garbage. Rude. I don't know how to get his attention so, I start running my hand up and down his thigh, not thinking it was creepy at all. I kept on doing that to try and get his attention.

     "Y-Yoongi H-Hyung, P-please stop that f-feels weird." He tries to whisper shout.

     Wait, shit. Yoongi what are you doing! I pull my and away, realizing what I just did. Great, another reason for him to hate you.

     "Ah, sorry." I try to apologize though, I only get a slap on the side of my arm.

     He says nothing after he hits me and gets back to his school work.

     Meanwhile, I am being a terrible role model and I fall asleep for the entire lesson. Honestly, I could care lass about school and everything in between.


Jimin's P.O.V.

I try and focus on what the teacher is saying but with Yoongi Hyung sitting beside me I feel some sort off stress and anxiety. I'm afraid he'll do something. Will he do it again? Does he love me? Does he just want to use me? I wish I knew what he thought of me. Though, somewhere in my mind says he wants nothing to do with me but my heart wants me to believe he actually likes me. I want to avoid him but at the same time I want to be close to him. I also remember the girl who he was with, he probably is with her or something..

I clear my mind of all thoughts of him and directly focus on the lesson.


    Class ended and I didn't feel like waking him up so I got my stuff and my bag and stood up but I feel something holding onto my hand.

     "Please, don't go." I hear a sleepy Yoongi Hyung say while grabbing onto my hand.

     "Um.. H-Hyung, I-I really need to go." I say while tugging my arm, hoping it'll loosen his grip and let me go.

     Suddenly he pulls me over to him and pins me onto the desk. I look into his eyes I see blankness, I see nothing. I don't see a beautiful night sky. I don't see an open ocean. I see nothing, his eyes seem hollow and empty. Then, he blinks as if he's coming back to reality. We stare at each other again but now I see remorse, regret, grief and guilt in his eyes. I feel him lift himself from on top of me.

     "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Jimin"  He says looking at me while getting of of me and getting his stuff to leave.

     I watch him as he leaves the classroom and I'm left there in confusion and shock. I eventually get over it and grab my stuff and leave. Just as I leave I see Taehyung run up to me and we go to our next class together like usual.


A/N my chapters are still terrible. Did you also know I can finish a game of solitaire in 1:04. Basically one minute four seconds. Also if you're wondering why I wrote 세븐틴 is because it's like the kpop group seventeen (-sae + - bun + -tin = Seventeen (sae-bun-tin)

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