Chapter 26

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~~Jimin's Flashback~~

Around that time I remember Taehyung not being with me as much as we used to and I also remember going to school looking poor since we didn't have much stuff now in our house and some, well, actually a lot of bruises visible on my skin and getting stared at because of it. I remember some older kids, maybe because of their look, high schoolers or something coming up while I was leaving school and saying to me.

"So, it seems like you need some money. We can help you, just come with us." They said.

They seemed like nice people so, I followed them. Little did I know it was all a trap. They led me into a back alley way in the middle of no where and pushed me over into the ground.

"W-Wa-Wait what are you doing?" I ask laying on the dirt floor.

"The real question is what are you doing for us." One of they guys said while unbuckling his pants.

That's when I knew what they wanted but, all I wanted to do was run. Run and get out of there but I couldn't with all of them around my helpless body. They all made me.... They.... Well all I can say was that they did make me use parts of me to 'pleasure them'. I hated it though, I had to get money somehow. I remember hearing their deep raspy voices let out moans though in my mind all I could hear was pain. I remember them forcing my mouth onto their.... you know. Them grabbing my hair forcing themselves inside my mouth. I remember doing that all to at least 7 maybe more guys. At most maybe 10

At the end, I did get money from them. It was about $50 to about or something that would I mean $5 from everyone which wasn't that fair but hey, it's money. They also said something like 'if you want more, come to this place after school.' While passing me a piece of paper with all their information written on it.

I did that for days, maybe weeks. I don't know but, it definitely wasn't more than two months, each time more kids coming literally, both ways. I remember only getting paid like $20 only form at least a group of maybe 8 people. I remembered not to complain since I knew they would try and something to in that time span people found out about what I was doing with the high schoolers and eventually the boys made me do that to them to which just made me want to die on the inside.

I remember people in my school eventually finding out and actually asking me those favours. "Hey, I heard you suck dick real nice 4 a guy. Come to XXXXXXXX and I'll pay you $50 to let me have sum fun" (The Xs represent the address and I know that I should use not $ but I'm too lazy to convert,)

Honestly, at first I remember actually doing those things they said because you know, I needed to get money somehow even if I didn't want to. Though eventually they started asking for more and I just couldn't do that, even for a thousand dollars. I tried to tell them I couldn't do that but it still didn't stop them from asking and asking and asking. Eventually I had to move schools because of how bad it was with all the drama. Though, with the moving schools my dad had to find out and boy did the abuse just get worse.

Once I moved schools it still didn't stop, even when I got to high school I still got notes every now and then to haunt me for my mistakes. I wish I could take it all back. I wish my family didn't get into an accident. I wish my family didn't divorce. I wish I never ran into those kids, I wish I didn't do anything. I wish I could just—-

it was all my fault wasn't it?

~End Flashback~~

Yoongi's P.O.V

Jimin was now crying into my chest deeply as I wrapped my arms around him, comforting him through his inner pain.

"Jimin, it's okay. No need to be afraid anymore, it's not your fault. I'll always be there for you." I feel him cry even more but this time I think it's tears of joy or happiness from me just being there.

I know that sounds prideful but, I don't know. It just feels like that. I love my little Jiminie. We cuddle like little bears for who know how long. Me and Jimin then make dinner and eat. Though for Jimin he didn't do much of the eating part. I'm still really concerned about his poor dieting so, I try and make him eat a little bit everyday. Though, not too much since I know what can happen.


While I'm eating, Jimin asks me something.

"So Hyung, what's up with your parents? Why don't they live with you?" He says while looking at me directly in the eyes looking for a sincere answer,

"They di- no wait. They left when I was barely 13. I lived with Namjoon Hyung and his at that time girlfriend and we helped each other make music under a company. The End." I say in a ireallydontcaremuchandidontthinkthisisveryimportant voice. (I really don't care much and I don't think it is very important)

"Wait, what do you mean by they le- wait never mind, I'm going to sleep now Hyung. I'm tired." Jimin says while standing up from the table.

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