Chapter 23

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Yoongi's P.O.V

     Apparently it's the next day now and me and Jimin have to head to school and Jimin has seemed to already woken up and made me breakfast, well at least I think he has due to the smell of eggs and toast I can smell from up in my room. I get changed into our school uniform and head downstairs. (A/N I may have forgotten to mention they had a uniform and if there was any part in the story that contradicts it, it's my mistake.)

     "Ah Hyung, I see you've woken up. I made breakfast for you, I hope you like it." He says while I make my way to the bottom of the stairs.

     "Jimin-Ah, aren't you gonna eat something?" I ask while I stop in front of him.

     "Um, no it's okay. You should eat." He says while pushing the plate towards me.

     "I'll be full when I see you eat just a little, okay." I say while getting some scrambled eggs and placing it near his mouth as I look into his eyes.

     I then see him take a bite from the chopsticks and I soon do the same. I soon finish up what he made, occasionally giving Jimin some though not too much or he might throw it all up.

     "Mmm, that was good Jimin-Ah" I say while smiling at him and licking my lips.

     "Well, guess we should leave for school now." Jimin says while taking my hand and pulling me towards the door.

     We both then put on our shoes, coats, and book bags to live the house and head to school. While we walk to school I feel Jimin cling to my arm like a koala to a branch. How cute though, I can tell he's cold and he's clinging on because of that. Still really cute.


     We are on time and we head inside and go to our lockers to put away our stuff. Now, since Jimin is a year less than me he isn't in the same area as me so we have to part ways. Well of course we still have first period together but, whatever. That doesn't matter that much.

     I finish getting my stuff out of my locker and I see Jimin run over to me and hold onto my arm. We make our way to first period but on the way, we heard some people say somethings about presumably us. Though I didn't let that hurt me but, it did seem to hurt Jimin a little since he seemed like he wanted to let go but I didn't let him.

     "Jimin-Ah, don't listen to what they say, just listen to me." I say while I stop and look at him.

     He doesn't respond in words, he just nods with a crescent moon eye smile and we continue walking to our first period class.

     When we arrive to our first class, we're early. Unlike how I'm usually late for the majority of class and the rest I sleep. Class then starts and I admire how much Jimin pays full attention to what the teacher says, unlike me who seems to give zero fucks. I feel like sleeping so, I end up sleeping on Jimin's shoulder because I want to.


     I woke up and class ends right then. I grab my stuff and stand up and turn around to wait for Jimin. He gets his stuff and follows me out the door.

     "Hey Jimin, do you wanna go somewhere after school?" I proposed.

     "Um, yeah sure." He answers as we leave the class and enter the hallway.

We eventually make it to his class and while he's about to enter his class I ask him a question.

"Um Jimin-Ah, is it okay if we can meet up after school?" I ask while holding onto his shoulder.

"Yeah sure, See ya Hyung!" He smiles as he enters the class.

The rest of the day was normal, I slept in class. Got in trouble. Skip class..... To sleep. Sleep more in class. You'd expect me to sleep a lot during the night but nah. I end up sleeping even more as the day goes by, giving even less fucks to people. Though, I never gave any fucks in the first place so you could technically say I gave negative infinity fucks that day like any other. Well, you can take Jimin out of the equation, he's the only good thing in this place.


It's the end of the day and I've gotten at least six, seven maybe? hours of sleep. Though honestly I don't care since I would much rather sleep through class than try and keep myself awake to listen to the pointless lesson.

I get my bag, put my books inside and go find Jimin. Though, as I turn around I find out he has already found me.

"Hyung!" Jimin says while grabbing my arm with his fluffy selves, how adorable.

"So, what did you want to do with me after school, you asked me to meet you." He says while we make our way outside.

"Well, I just wanted to go somewhere with you. You know, spend some time together outside of our home." I propose while looking at him.

"Then where Hyung do you want to go?" He asks.

"I dunno, maybe to a park or something. Not a Park Jimin though, I already have one right here." I say while placing my arms on his shoulders.

"Ah, I know a place. There was this one really beautiful park me and my mom went to together all year round when I was 8 or so of course that was befo- wait no, never mind that last part..." He says, looking at me brightly.

"Well if you remember the way, let's go. Well of course we should leave our bags at home." I say while we start to walk across the street.


We both went to my house and dropped off our bags at my house and chained out of our uniforms. Though, I may have watched him changed he doesn't need to know that. Or anyone for that fact, I should be the only one to see my Jiminie like that. We then left the house to go to this place Jimin wanted to go to.

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