My Life Turn Up Side Down

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"Ok thanks mom" I hang up an start packing. Ok I now what your thinking what the hell is happening so let me explain. My names Katherina Jones I'm 14 years old. I know wierd right for a hispanic girl to have an American name anyway I'll explain that later. So tomorrow me and my friends are having a teenwolfaton and I had to ask my mom tonight if I can go because I'll be asleep when she gets home and I have to leave early tomorrow but shed already would have left for work she's such a workaholic.

        So I'm packing dark blue skinny jeans a sleeve less top with black and white roses. And of course the essentials toothbrush/past, deodorant, and last but not least my diary. I know what your thinking a 14 year old girl with a diary but I need to write my psychotic feelings because if I don't someones gonna get hurt learned that the hard way.

        After I finish packing I go to the bathroom to change. I put my oversized blue t-shirt that says Wake Forest University in white letters across the chest and short pink shorts. I know wierd cloth to sleep in but I don't want my moms boyfriend looking at my ass. As I walk back to my room I hear a door slam. Thats wierd my moms not suppose to be back until 12. I should investigate I just hope does jealous invisible gnomes don't trip me she hates me because I'm prettier than her.

   "You sure she's alone?" a male voice asks it sound muffled they're probably wearing mask. Shit we're being robed

    "of course, kidnapping that bitch won't be a problem" another male voice responds chuckling

      Mother fucker their after me, well that's my luck. I start walking upstairs but of course she being a bitch just had to trip me. I curse under my breath when I land on my ass.

      "well, look who deciced to join use"

      I look up to see two guys dressed in black with masks on the one that spoke is taller and looks better build. He reaches down and grabs me by my upper arm and starts dragging me to the kitchen, that's his first mistake.

       "Kyle hold her while I check to see if there's someone else"

        "I told you there's no one here"

        "Wouldn't be the first time your wrong" he walks away.

         Now I'm left with Kyle who's holding my arm even harder then the guy from before. I start looking around to see if I can find a way out of here but I can't leave my journal/diary. Kyle pushes me against the wall.

         "Don't even think about it sweetheart" he whispers into my hear God this guy way to close, hasn't he ever heard of personal space. He stakes off his masks and revels a handsome face blue eyes, and dirty blond hair. Now if I wasn't in this situation I might actually think his cute. He gives me smirk when he sees me staring at him, he starts kissing my neck it takes every thing in me not to push him away. I pull the drawer next to the wall to find a knife that I keep hidden because its my favorite second mistake they make. I lean my head to the side to give him better access to my neck while his distracted I pull the knife and stab him in his upper leg. He gives a small whimper and steps back I pull the knife and try to get away from him but the kitchen only has one entrance and his standing infront of it.

       "You bitch, lets see how you like"  he pulls a knite from the counter. I bit my lip trying not laugh because that knife might be longer but mines sharper. He takes a few steps towards me and I do the same. He swings the knife towards my chest but I dough in time for it not to hit my chest but it did scratch my upper arm. Now I'm mad that mother fucker just scratched my favorite shirt its on. A little fear crosses his face probaly because of the face I'm making but then its gone. He runs towards me and I dough and stad him in the side he stubles a little bit and I take my chance to kick him in the chest which makes him fall on his back making him drop his knife. He trys to get up put I place my knee on his chest and put the knife right on top of his heart.

       "You don't have the guts to kill me" I could tell not even he believed that. I put more presure on his chest with my knee and give him a smirk before lifting the knife and plunging it into his heart I wait for the life to leave his eyes before I get up. I can't help it look at the knife it my hands I see his blood. I slowly lift the knife to my lips and lick the blood of the knife.

      "You're blood taste delicious" I whisper to myself. And start walking to my room I need to leave but not without my journal. Since I live in a big house it'll take sometime for the other guy to check the rooms and by the time he reaches the kitchen I'll be long gone. When I get to my room I put my phone in my bag that I had for the sleepover and put it over my shoulder. As I head for the door I hear a door slam down the hallway. I really don't want to kill him no matter how much I want to taste his blood. So I turn and head out the window, I climb out the window good thing theirs a tree next to my window. I stop at the end of the branch when I hear my door open and slam.

      "Where the hell do you think you're going" is he stupid or what? why would I stay?I look at him like are you fucking kidding me he must have gotton the message because he starts walking to the window and I start climbing down. When I'm a few feet above the ground I jump and land with a hard tump. I look up and see his almost low enough to jump. I start running to the woods which is basically my backyard. I look back and see him pulling out a gun.

      "Are you fucking kidding me, why do they always have the cool stuff" I  murmur and start running faster when I see him pointing it at me. I feel something hit me at my right side well at least it just reused me. Wait I didn't hear it go off great his got a silencer just my luck. As I'm running I hear him running after me but I know this place like the back off my hand. Another shot and this time it hits me in my  upper thy it was a desperate shot. Good thing I took track because if not I would have fainted from the lack of air. I can't run as fast as before because of my leg but I'm not stopping. I keep running until I can't hear him anymore I don't stop walking though he could always come back. The forest looks darker then other nights I look up and I see that the moon is covered by dark clouds.

      "great its gonna rain" times like this I think God just hates but then again I'm not really a good girl so I can't blame him. A few minutes of walking in silence it starts pouring like it were a tornado. I don't really mind it helps me calm my feelings. Its been almost 15 minutes since I was shot at and its getting harder to walk and it hasn't stop raining good thing my bag is waterproof. The forest seems to be changing I must have walked farther than anytime before.

      I'm getting closer to someplace because the forest just seems to end. Now I can't even walk staright I've lost to much blood, I need the trees to give me support. When I reach the end of the forest I see a gigantic mansion. Damn someone's rich, wait this isn't possible I'd think I know if a rich person lived close to my house. I must be hallucinating but I can't complain its a beautiful sight. I walk closer to the mansion until I can't walk anymore. I'm not that far from the house I rest against a tree. I never thought this was how I was gonna die. I laugh,life has a way to slap you in the face and say Ha bitch you didn't expect that. It's still raining harder then before and yet I can't help but think this is great way to die. But the rain reminds me of a song that I really like. I close my eyes an start singing.

My Life Turned Up Side DownWhere stories live. Discover now