The struggle

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Cat pov:

  I look around man can Kat really work her magic this is amazing. I grab some food and sit at a table by myself talk about long wolf. And the irony I'm dressed like a wolf demon with the tail and ears. Men keep looking at me I just roll my eyes and look for the girls. Kat is just like me alone Catalina is somewhat along she's with Ciel but Elizabeth is in the way. I can see the annoyance is his eyes.


  I turn my attention to a young man infront of me his tall well built tan with dark hair and eyes. I look at him closely I can see his soul he has two making him....a werewolf.

  "I didn't know werewolves were at this party" I say catching him off guard he blinks a few times.

  "And how do you know this"

  "You smell like a wet dog" I'm sorry I couldn't help it in truth he smells like the forest.

  His eyes turn black meaning his wolf took over he grabs my wrist really hard meaning to hurt but damn he weak "Really you gonna try and hurt someone because they called you a mutt you have a short temper."

  He breaks my wrist giving me a smirk and I smirk back taking him by surprise "Is that the best you got, I've seen babies with more strength" and I'm not lying Kats son was very strong when he was a baby and worse he couldn't control his powers. THE HORROR, THE STRUGGLE, THE SUSPENCE.

  He growls "Watch your tongue you may not be human but the Phantomhive kid is."

  I chuckle "You want to get to Ciel you have to go through me, my sisters, and Sebastian" I lean in and I whisper into his ear "And none of us are human so have fun" I get up walking out to the balcony.

  I see Catalina talking with Elizabeth, she turns to walk away but Catalina knocks her out with a rock. She doesn't even catch her when she's falling. She snaps her fingers sending her home I hope. Catalina starts walking back to the party murmuring bitch think she can take my man.

  I wonder if I'll be with my man. I look up at least the girls have a chance I don't know about me. They see their mates everyday I haven't seen mine since the jack the ripper case. I sigh this sucks. Thump Thump. I can smell and hear that bastard sneaking up on me.

  I turn around to see him with a raised knife."Really going all screamer on me"

  He looks at me shocked and fear in his eyes. I would kill him but...Suddenly his head goes of flying. I watch it fall to the ground like a falling leave...WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED I scream in my head as it sinks in.

  I look back to an angry Undertaker. His hair is to the side so I can see his eyes they are darker than usual. I shake my head get your thoughts in order Cat.

  "Dude what the hell" I say

  He looks at me and his eyes soften. My knees feel weak. "He was in the to die list"

  "Liar I remember that you don't reap anymore" I point at him giving a glare.

  He doesn't say anything just shrugs. I snap my fingers making it catch fire. Nothing but ashes are left I use my wind powers to spread them across the forest. Leaving nothing in its place talk about the perfect crime hey its like Bonie and Clyde. Except we won't die in the end I hope.

  I start walking back but his hand grabs my upper arm. "What" I ask not being mean.

  "Why is the Phantomhive kid throwing a party its not his thing" he covers his eyes again

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