The Truth part 2

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Kat pov:

   I know you must be so confused so let me explain I'm not really 14, I'm as old as the universe. Before God created the universe he had a vision were supernatural beings would attack his children so he created 10 of us but now there are 9 of us. I was the first to be created then Catalina and Cat unlike the others we were given something the others didn't have soul mates. That's why we were assigned to live in earth as if we were humans but we never forget and we never truly die. If we've been good girls we go to heaven until we find a suitable body but if not we go to hell for 500 years. After our punishment we are reborn still remembering who and what we are.

    Every time we're reborn we don't get our powers until we turn 10 which is the most painful thing in the world. I'm not going to bore you of how much pain we were in so I'll tell you what we are. I am a shapeshifter I can turn into any animal, any person. I'm also and angel of death with every being comes a form. My angel of death form is when my hair turns white and my eyes turn pitch black. The dress is strapless and it show my entire back (reaches mid thy) great for my black angel wings to come out and what's a dress without a pair of shoes.The shoes are 12 inches high black like my drees my white hair reaches my hips and my hears are normal. My weapons are knifes and a sword that I can call upon whenever I want.

   I'm also a demonic assasin but I have two forms. One that enhances my speed. Its when my ears stay pointy my eyes turn crystal blue almost white.But my hair turns white, and so does the drees its like my angel of death dress except its tighter and white but black at the sides which reaches my mid thy. The  shoes are knee high heel boots and my weapons are sword and on my right thy is strapped a gun which never runs out of bullets. And my other form is for hand in hand combat my Hair, ears, and eyes stay the same.The only thing that changes is the outfit and shoes instead of a dress I have dark green short shorts with a top that's strapless it goes around my neck but doesn't cover my tomach its like a sports braw. And the shoes they're knee high boot that are the same color as the shorts and top.

    I have two more forms my strongest is my dragon forms I can turn into a full black and red dragon. And my other dragon form is like my demonic assassin that enhances my speed except my hair is red and my eyes are red and my hands are covered in black and red scales the drees and heels turn black and my dragon wings come out one black while the other is dark red.

     My last form is that I can turn into a mermaid my hair and eyes are dark red, my ears turn back to normal and my tail and bra look like my dragon scale.

     I know a lot of explaining but that's what I am and so are Cat and Catalina except their not mermaids they are grimreapers.Different but close powers from mine.

     I look up the sun is setting its a beautiful color, before the sun disappears the color changes from yellow to orange. I get up change back to my human form and head back to the manor.

Sebastians pov:

      After I make sure our guest leaves satisfied I go and search for Kat I asked those three if she had dinner with them but she didn't. I'm worried she might have over worked her self, I'm mad at myself for even letting her work in her condition, I guess I thought she would be okay seeing as she was skipping to the master study. I ball my hands into fist she likes him more then me. I don't even know if she even likes me but I feel like she does beacuse of the way she smiled the last time I saw her. I've searched every where except the kitchen maybe she's getting something to eat. As I pass the window that faces the backyard I see her coming out of the maze. Releave washes over me but quickly disappear as I see her face, she looks tired and she's walking slower than this morning her leg must be hurting. I look at the time I must prepare my master for bed then I'll tend to her wounds.

     "Sebastian how is she?" my master ask as he heads for the bead

     "She's fine, but I don't think it was a good idea to have let her start working today" I walk over

     "How so, you saw how much she was jumping around in my office"

     "True but I just saw her and she looked worse then before"

      "Fine she can rest until she gets better" he lays down and closes his eyes

     "Of course master I'll inform her right away" I say walking out the door and turning the lights off.

     Since I don't have time to look for her so I just follow her scent. And it leads me to the kitchen, I was right she didn't eat.Kat is sitting on a chair drinking water she look even worse upclose.

      "Why didn't you have dinner with the rest of the servants" I say coldly. She turns to face me slowly the moment I catch the look in her eyes my anger vanishes.

        "I got lost in the maze" she gives me a small smile but it doesn't reach her eyes.

         "Well don't let it happen again" my face returning to show no emotions. I walk over to the stove and start cooking something for her.

         After I finish I sit infront of her and watch her eat, somethings on her mind.Kat eats her food a little slow but I don't blame her.

       "Thank you" Kat says puting down her fork

       "No problem, oh before I forget the master has ordered you to rest until you are fully healed" I say getting up not trusting myself around her.

     "Okay, and since you saved me I won't hold it against you for reading my journal" She puts the dirty dish in the washer I looked at her shocked how did she know, she must have seen my face because she chuckle.

      " I know because you would be the one to do something like that" She walks up to me and places a kiss in my cheek and heads for door.

     "Thanks for everything Sebastian"

       I'm left standing shocked in place once again. I quickly turn around and head to my room. As I walk to my room I can't help but think of how I felt when she laughed and when she kissed me on the cheek I felt sparks.I've slept with many human women, yet I've never felt anything like it and that was just a simple kiss.

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