Never Again

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Kat pov:

  After we stop laughing. We look back at Ciel and Sebastian. They are looking at each other like what is wrong with them.

"Sorry it just our thing.But any way Sebastian this are my sisters Catalina and Cat" I say

  "Nice to meet you.But may I ask what happened here" Sebastian says making my heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice.

"Oh well they had our sister so we killed the men outside.Kat killed the man inside because blondie was about to hurt Ciel" Catalina responds and Cat just nods.

  "Okay happy to meet you Sebastian but we haven't eaten in 2 days. Because of this bitch" Cat says looking at me.

"Bitch fuck you" I say rolling my eyes

"What time honey" Cat says

I think for a few seconds "After dinner, I'm hungry as well" I turn to Sebastian who looks like he might have a heart attack from the conversation I had with Cat.

"Can we go I'm hungry and you don't want us hungry and mad"I say. He regains his posture "Yes my lady" I flinch at the name but no one noticed. No one but Ciel, he knew something was wrong but didn't ask.

  When we arrive Sebastian prepares dinner for us.After dinner Sebastian serves us fruit which is a terrible idea. Cat grabs the fruit with her fork and "accidentally" threw it at Catalina.

  "Bitch" she yells a grabs her plate and throws it at Cat.

  "Sebastian" I call him over "Take everything that can hurt someone of the table including the table cloth" He looks confused but does as I say. I grab a very annoyed Ciel and head to his room.

  "Wait should we leave them alone, they will make a mess of things." Ciel catches up to me.

  "They'll be fine" I stop when no one can see us "Ciel....can I sleep with you from now on" I look down embarrassed at my weakness.

  He thinks about it "Sure in one condition" he looks around and gets closer to me "You have to tell me what happened back their" he whispers.

  "Fine" I grab his hand and lead him to his room. I take him to the bathroom and start to fill the tub.

  "What are we doing here" Ciel has a small blush in his cheeks.

"I need to relax" I say tiredly

  After the water fills all the way I stop the water.And start undressing, Ciel looks a little embarrassed to be in this position.I stop when I'm in my bra and underwear.I climb in the tub and let my mermaid form out.

  "Ahhh I really needed this" I say stretching.

  "You could have told me...instead of making me feel uncomfortable" he looks like the child he is.

  "Well you should have known from the beginning." I say stating the obvious

   "Whatever, start talking" he pulls a chair and sets it next to the tub.

   "Okay first lets make this room soundproof" I close my eyes and chast the spell."As you know I and the twins where the first to be created.So we were allowed to have mates unlike the other holy beings they can fall in love but they have no mates.Remember when I told you I had once loved a man he was my mate.But God thought I was loosing sight of my job.So he killed him and the twins mates as well.Now in order circumstances they would have just been reborn but like a 100 years after they died.But not this time because god himself killed him..I mean them.But Ciel the other day I felt Sebastian emotions and only mates can have that connection. And yea I could have fallen in love again but I'm scared that the same fate will come to them again, To Sebastian.He doesn't know the truth and I don't want him to.But just because I don't want to have feelings for him doesn't mean that's how its going to happen.I'm in love with Sebastian and he and I both feel the effects of the connection.He just doesn't realise it yet but once he does it just going to make things worse for me" I say. I feel Ciels hand whipping tears from my face. I didn't know I had started crying.

  Ciel doesn't say a word but he does hug me and comforts me.We stay like that for a long time me crying and Ciel comforting me.

  "Thank you" I whisper.

  "No problem, want to go to bed"

  "I'd love to but you have to take a bath yourself" I say transforming into my human form and getting out the tub. I materialise myself dry underwear and bra and a nightgown. I put the nightgown for it had not materialised on my body like the bra and underwear.Ciel cheeks turn bright red.

  "Fine go get Sebastian"

  "I could give you a bath you know"

  He looks at me like I'm crazy but doesn't say no. I wonder why he would have already.

  "Fine but I keep my underwear on and you have to sing for me" his cheeks turn even more red.

  "Sing for you?"

  "Yes I really like to hear your voice again" he looks sincere now

  "Ok I'll go get you dry clothes" I say walking out the bathroom.Once I find him his nightgown and dry underwear. I head back and find Ciel in his underwear.

  "Dude if you weren't my brother I'd totally date you"

  "Very funny"

  "I'm serious you hot, well for someone your age"

  He doesn't respond just looks at me with a little annoyance in his eyes.I chuckle, after the tub is refilled I start to wash Ciel carefull not to get soap in his eyes.As I clean Ciel I think of what song to sing to him.

  "What are you thinking about" Ciel asks me.

  "I'm thinking what should I sing for my dear brother" I say washing the last bit of soap.

  "Anything would be fine really" he gets out.

  "I'll wait for you outside" I say heading out the door and sitting on the bed.Now back to the song.Wait if my mind serves me correctly today is August 5. I instantly know what song to sing.

  Ciel walks out his shirt unbotton. I walk up to him and kneel in front of him and start to do his shirt.

  "Their that's better, Ready" I say getting up.He doesn't respond just nods his head I walk over to the window and start to sing looking up at the stars.

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