No One Hurts My Brother

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Kat pov:

  Once they tie us up and throw us on the floor I open my eyes. I find Ciel still uncouncius at my side. I sit up and use the wall for support.

  "Well, look who's awake already" a blonde guy says

  "Well this is unfortunate" I give him a bored look.

  "Your not that bad looking, I think I'm going to keep you as my pet" his eyes full of lust.I'm about to respond but Ciel beats me to it.

   "Don't even think about laying a finger on her" he says sitting up like me. The blonde guys slaps Ciel across the face which makes him fall.But he doesn't stop there he kicks him. Anger fills me.

     "Stop hurting him or you will regret it" I use my deadly tone.He stops kicking Ciel and looks at me suprised.But then its gone and his angry, he slaps me,just like Ciel I fall to the side.His about to kick me when the phone rings.I don't pay attention beacuse I can feel the twins are here.Well lets just invite everybody and will have a fucking party.I hear Ciel bark, I stop knowing the blonde dude is going to start kicking Ciel again. Blondie sends reinforcement to the front door but I know the twins will get to them before Sebastian. Once blondie hears the screams of his men he starts kicking Ciel. And that's when I let my self transform into my demonic assasin hand in hand combat form but I add knifes in my hands for a little fun.

   "I thought I told you not to hurt him" I can hear the change in my voice.he slowly turns around to face me.Once I'm standing infront of him, his face turns into full horror.I smirk knowing his men are behind the paintings ready to shot me.I conjure a bunch of knifes and throw them at the paintings at the same time. Seconds later all the bodies fall to the ground.

  "W...Who are yo..u?" he shutters

  "Your worst nightmare" I give him an evil smile and walk towards him.

  "Come work for me, I'll pay double what his paying you"he says in attemp to save his life. I stop dead in my tracks and turn to Ciel and see his bleeding.I walk over to him, blondie thinking I accepted his offer.Once I reach Ciel I untie him and kiss him on the cheek, which heals him instantly.

  "What are you doing.Kill him!!" Blondie yells at me

  "When did I say I accepted your offer?"I ask I a duh tone.But before he gets a chance to answer the twins barge in the door.In their demonic assasin form as well but theirs is speed.

    "Well took you guys long enough" I say

    "Bitch you have any idea what we had to do to get here" they both say at the same time its a little creepy.

    "Call Lucifer" I say it like its nothing.

    "Who the hell are you" Blondie asks.I look over to Ciel.

    "Do you want me to kill him?" I ask. Ciel looks shocked to see me in my true form but he regaines him self.

    "Yes" is the only thing he says.I turn to blondie he looks scared but doesn't say a word. When I get close to him he trys to stab me but fells miserably.

"No one hurts my brother"I say before breaking his neck, he wasn't any fun.

    I turn back to normal and turn around to see the twins staring at Ciel like his an extinct being.

    "That's why your still here.He has part of your soul" the both say.

    "Yea. And you better turn back because Sebastian will be here any minute." I say walking over to one of the chairs and taking a seat.The twins do as I say.Ciel walks over and sits next to me.

   "Oh yea Ciel this is Catalina and Cat my younger sisters"

    "Nice to meet you" Ciel responds.But before they have a chance to responds Sebastian arrives.

Sebastian pov:

  When I recived the letter I got even more angry.First Kat practically rejects me and goes to Ciel.And know they kidnapped my mate and master.

   After my master barks from the other end I head to the manor.And my anger has risen since the call I could hear Kats uneven breathing meaning they hurt her.When I get my hands on them I will make them feel unthinkable pain.

  When I arrive at the manor the guards out front are dead.I'm starting to get worried for my mate.

  I rush to the inside of the manor.They are all dead not one is left alive I hope nothing happened.

"Oh yea Ciel this is Catalina and Cat my younger sister" I hear Kat say. I'm realeaved an headed to the room where I hear it come from.

"Nice to meet you" I hear my master respond. I barged in before they reponds. In front of me are two girls, twins wearing tight pants and shirt just like my mate did after she woke up. To the left is Kat sitting next to Ciel.The look perfectly fine.

"OMG MY GOD ITS SEBASTIAN MICHEAL" the twins yell. And Kat and Ciel just chuckle.

"Master are you alright" I ask

"Yes, We're fine" he responds. We stay in silence.

  "A GAY BABY WAS BORN" all three girls yell and start laughing.I look at my master. Its official they are mentally unstable

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