Scary Shit

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    Sebastian pov:

  As we watch the movie I'm a little confused as to what is happening.When the blonde women get cuts in her lower arm Kat, Cat, Catalina, and my master both yell.Kat gets closer to Lucifer and I just jump.Lucifer just seems to enjoy our reactions.

  After the movie is finished I check the time I still have an ahour before the reporter arrives.The floor was full of popcorn from when they jumped when a scary scene happened.I really didn't appreciate how Kat kept jumping into Lucifers arms instead of mine.

    Kat pov:

  I don't now why I watch this movies.I'm currently in Lucifer arms and my face buried in his chest and the same with Catalina in Ciels arms.

  "I woom  bee bable 2 slyip tomight" it comes out muffled.

  "What she say?"Sebastian asks

  "She said I won't be able to sleep tonight " Lucifer says I nod.

  "godthy I'm slyipeng wath Ciel" I say

  "What?" Ciel ask

  "She said good thing I'm sleeping with Ciel" Catalina says walking away from Ciel a little blush on her cheeks from before. I pull away from Lucifer when I feel Sebastians feelings.

  "I'm going to go make my custome"Cat says getting up.Catalina just nods and they both walk out.

  "I'll see you guys at the party" Lucifer says disappearing.

  "Kat can I talk to you?" Ciel ask

  "Sure" I say walking to the refrigerator and pull out an ice cream sneaker.

  "You guys want one?"

  "No thanks" Sebastian says

  "Sure" Ciel says.

  I grab two and give one to Ciel.

  "Sebastian take care of the reported" Ciel orders "And don't bother us until dinner is ready is that understood."

  "Yes my Lord"

  I can't help but chuckle at his words.We all walk out and I follow Ciel.

  When we reach his office we're done with our snackes and Ciel has chocolate on his face.I walk up to him and he gives me a confused look I lick my thumb and clean his cheeks.

  He clears his throat "Thanks"

  "No problem, what you want to talk about"

  "Yes I have questions" he looks at me and I nod for him to continue. "Why didn't you tell me you had a son?"

  "I was going to tell you but it never came up" I say blushing

  "Is there anything that hasn't come up"

  "Well not really you know about my mate, my past, my son.Unless you want to know why God didn't kill him" I look at him and nods for me to continue "Well a few months after we met I got pregnant. I knew God wouldn't be happy about it so I went to the dragon realm with my mate.We stayed their until Aron turned 18 when he was 18 we had to leave so I separated my dragon form from me and left Ashley as his gardian.But since time passes differently in the dragon realm then the real world. Being gone for 18 years is basically a year so he didn't suspect anything the only people that knew about it were the twins and their mates" I feel tears in my cheeks. Why am I crying.

  "I'm sorry.....I didn't know it was that hard on you" Ciel whispers looking down guilt clearly in his voice.I get up and walk behind his desk pull the chair and kneel down so I can see his face.

  "Their is nothing to be sorry about, you didn't know and honestly I didn't even know I was that affected about it either.And besides you had a right to know your my brother and I should have told you the moment I realized you were my brother." I say guilt now in my voice.

  "No its not your foult you had your reasons-"

  "We can keep playing the blame game or you can ask me the question you've been dying to ask me" I look at him

  He blushes "I wanted to know.....why....ummm i feel attracted to Catalina? And why I felt sparks when she touched me" he says with a blush settling in his cheeks.This is a very touchy subject so I try to hold my chuckle back.

  I give him a sweet smile "Why do you think, your smart you beat me in tic-tac-toe when it was your first time.You can figure it out and I'm not leaving till you figure it out."I say sitting Indian style on the floor in front of him.He starts thinking and we stay like that for about 2 minutes till he realizes it.

  "I'm her mate"he says below a whisper

  "Bingo"I say smiling at him but he gives me a horrified face.

  "What's wrong?"I ask getting closer to him.

  "I can't be with her" he says looking heart broken.


  "Because after I get my revenge Sebastian will have my soul and I can't leave her heart broken like before" he says seriously. I can't help but start laughing so hard I start to cry "What's so funny" Ciel says angrily at me.I slowly stop laughing and I look up to a very angry Ciel.

  "I'm breaking my own rule here but I'll tell you the ending of season two" I say making the room sound proof.

  "What, no I don't want to now how I die"

  "You don't die"


  "After you get your revenge your soul is stolen and Sebastian gets it back but your memories are gone so he makes you think that the people that took your soul killed your parents but everything goes wrong and in the end you order Sebastian to stay by your side until he eats your soul but you become a demon so he stays by your side for eternity."

  Ciel stares at me without blinking his mouth hangs open.

Sorry it took so long school an all that got to me and I had no ideas but I hope you like I have a great twist for the party Muahahahaha and you won't believe what happens to Elizabeth at the party.



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