Her Son???!!!!!!

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Sebastian pov:

   I stare at them in shock, she starts a conversation with Ashley and ignores me.Aron looks at me with so many emotions but mostly hatred.I shift uncomfortably on my feet under his glare.

  "I'll be right back" Kat says walking away with Ashley.I watch as they leave.It gets awkward being alone with my mates son I would have rather met God himself.

  "Lucifer really knows how to pick em huh"Aron says breaking the silence first.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well God killed my father so she couldn't have another mate.So lucifer made you her mate just like the twins with their mates"

  Anger boils in the pit of my stomach, she had a kid with him.I'm about to answer but he beats me to it.

  "You better not hurt her.But knowing how all this will Ends I'm surprised she gave you a chance in the first place.I wonder what she will do when it happens"he has an angry face now I'm just offended.

  "I will never hurt her or betray her"I say coldly at him

  "Even if the order is given to you?"

  The question throws me off "Ciel would never order me to hurt HIS SISTER on purpose"

  "You even said it your self not on purpose but he will even if he doesn't realise it"

  My hands ball up into fists they're even changing color from how hard in holding them.I don't respond because he's right I can't disobey an order.Then it hits me.

  "What do you mean your surprised at how she even gave me a chance?"I ask my anger rising by the second.

  "Well you are a man whore"he gives me a smirk and that's when I lose it and I lounge myself at him, I'm about to punch him in the face when suddenly I'm thrown across the room.

  "Don't you dare lay a finger on him"Kat says coldly at me I slowly get up and realise she hit me in my stomach.I wince as I get up, she let some of her strength out that only shows how much she cares for him.I look at her she gives me one last look before turning around an walking to her SON.

  "And you" she hits him on the head    "Don't go around telling people stuff they don't need to know, got it" she says sternly a bit of humour in her voice.

  "Yes mother"he sticks his tongue out.I think shes going to snap but she just giggles.

  "I knew that movie tought you something."

  "Of course mother does know best"Ashley says smiling.

  "Oh before you go play me a song like when I was a kid."Aron says looking excited.Kats smile is warm and loving I've never seen her smile like that before.

  "Of course"She turns to the side, and with a wave of her hand a black grand piano appears.She walks over to it and takes a sit, her hands glide over the keys before she starts playing.

  When she finishes playing its the most wonderful song I've ever heard.She slowly gets up and hugs her son.Kat whispers something in his hear which makes him laugh the she hugs Ashley doing the same. Kat walk to the middle and opens her wings and little bye little the place starts to disappear and I start to fall I quickly open my wings and fly towards Kat.

  When I'm a few feet behind her I hear a small sob then another much louder.She's crying my anger quickly banishes and I fly towards her.I fly infront of her and she quickly stops before she hits my chest I don't know why but I'm disappointed.

  "What's wrong?"I ask reaching for her face but she turns away.I'm hurt she won't let me touch her.

  "I'll see you tomorrow"She says turning around and flying down.I look down and she's no where insight she must have used her speed like last time.

  When I land I quickly hide my wings and walk to my room, my mind full of questions and worries.

  "What is she doing to me?"I ask my self in a soft voice.

Sorry it took me so long but I've been really lazy.Ill try to post more and the song Kat played the link is at the top sorry the chapter is so short I really had writters block and I'm really lazy.


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