Chapter Two

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Abby awoke to the sounds of shuffling paper. Sitting across from her bed was a woman in her late thirties. She wore a lavender colored suit with her hair piled on top of her head. She was looking through some papers on her lap. This must be the social worker,this was just what she needed couldn't they have at least given her a day to herself. Just as Abby was about to close her eyes and feign sleep the woman looked up and smiled.

"Good Morning Abby, I'm Helena Swift your social worker"

Abby shifted herself up on the bed, might as well get it over with.

"Do you know what's going to happen to me?" she asked.

"Well let's start with a few questions shall we, and I'm very sorry for your loss."

Abby scrunched up her eyes trying not to think about her mom, she had to get through this. Why did everyone keep saying how sorry they were, they haldn't even met her mother, it was frustrating to have a bunch of strangers pretend that they cared.

"Now Abby since you're only sixteen we are going to have to place you in foster care. I'm sorry this is so soon but the hospital wants to release you. I don't know how you've managed to heal so fast and frankly the doctors are amazed at your recovery."

Abby didn't know how to respond to this her mind couldn't quite comprehend what was happening so she stayed quiet. She didn't really care about the extent of her injuries, or how well she was healing.

"According to our records your father is not listed on your birth certificate and you have no other living relatives, is that correct?"

With a nod of her head Helena continued.

"Now I know its short notice but I believe I have the family that's just for you. In fact they will be here to pick you up at two o' clock. Don't worry I will be with you. Do you have any questions?"

This was all happening so fast. Abby had always been strong, always spoken her mind, now she was unsure of what to do. She didn't care about trivial things, she only cared about what had happened to her mom, and no one had even spoken to her about it.

"Did they find who hit the car?"

"I'm sorry Abby it was a hit and run I'm afraid, now I'm going to let you get some rest see you at two."

God this woman was like a block of ice, she sounded like a robot repeating a prepared speech.

Abby curled herself into a ball, turning her back to the door. Once she was sure Helena had left she sat up pulling the blankets off her. She gasped as she looked down at her body, her bruises were still there but they looked like they were a week old never mind a day. Reaching out she gently touched  a bruise on her thigh, nothing, no pain, just slight pressure. Maybe they had given her more painkillers while she slept. Walking over to the mirror in the corner of the room she steeled herself for the toll the accident had taken on her.

Abby was more than startled to see no markings on her face, in fact her skin looked clearer, her eyes brighter and her long black curly hair seemed to shine. With a grimace she sat back on the bed. How could two people be in the same crash, one would die and the other virtually unscathed. It all sounded so impossible.

Abby couldn't imagine what her foster parents were going to be like. She couldn't believe that yesterday she was part of a family and now she would be going home with strangers.Would they even really want her?

Wasn't this all a bit quick she had barely mourned her mother and now she was being shipped off. She couldn't recall any part of the accident. The doctor said she had nearly died, so how it was her bruises were healing and she felt no pain. What had happened to her?

Just before her foster parents were due Abby was perched on the bed dressed in a pair of jeans and tank top. Helena had come with clothes early on; she wasn't even allowed to go home for her things. Helena said someone would collect them for her.

Abby began to feel angry at the doctors and the social workers, how dare they just take her life away like this. The rage coursed through her body, consuming her, the feeling was so intense she wanted to scream. Clenching her fists she took deep breaths as she heard the whoosh of the door.

"Abby dear are you OK, your eyes are all red"

A tall blond woman in her forties stood before her. She was beautiful, her skin was flawless. Her voice was soft and attentive, she looked kind, but she wasn't her mother.

"I'm fine" Abby snapped and stalked to the mirror. What she saw wasn't normal, yes her eyes were red but not from crying, the whole whites of her eyes shone like rubies.

"What the hell is happening?"

"Don't worry Abby everything will be fine dear. I'm Anna, your foster mother I've come to take you home."

Abby snapped her head around her whole face contorted with rage.

 "Home" she spat "I don't have a home, how is everything going to be okay? "

Anna's face filled with pity "It will take time Abby, but I need you to know you're very special, and I will take care of you. Are you ready to go? The doctor has filled out your release form, Helena is waiting by the car."

"Just like that huh, you just waltz in here expecting me to just smile and move on, I don't think so lady. I want to know why I'm not allowed to go home, I can take care of myself. I never asked for this and I certainly did't ask for you"

"Abby I need for you to calm down"

"Calm, calm, you want me to be calm, what is there to be calm about? I have lost my mother and now I am being shipped off to god knows where and YOU want me to be calm"

Abby knew she was letting her anger control her, she was being unfair to this woman who was trying to help, but it was better than being a bubbling mess.

"Abby, please. Just take deep breaths for me, try to slow your anger down. You have every right to be upset, no one knows what you are going through. I know you don't know me but I promise I will take care of you. It takes a long time to get over a shock like yours, your mother will always be with you, I am not her and I know I can never replace her. Please, just give me a chance."

Abby felt her heart drop, her anger slowly disappeared, she stood there panting. It had felt good to release some of her frustration, but it didn't' make her feel any better. Deep down she knew she didn't have any choice, she would have to go through the motions. She looked back at the mirror to see her eyes had gone back to normal. Now she looked like a scared little girl, with nothing left to live for.

With an air of defeat Abby nodded her head and followed Anna out to face what would be her new life.


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