Chapter Twenty Five

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Can't believe I am number seven in the vampire charts, thank you so much for reading my book, I am very happy right now lol. Thank you to all my newest fans , unfortunately there's too many to list, you all know who you are, thank you for your support. The next few chapters should hopefully have a lot more adventure in them, hope you like it, enjoy.

Abby shook herself as she watched Selena and the man enter the castle. There was something so familiar about him, for a moment she had thought she was seeing things, for some reason an image of the statue came to mind.

Well Selena did say it was of someone she once knew, maybe that was him. Marcus nudged her shoulder.

"Are you all right, for a second there you looked like you saw a ghost"

Abby laughed " Yeah, just my imagination getting away from me"

"It probably has something to do with the fact youv'e been up half the night"

Looking up Abby saw the sun on the horizon.

"Well, not much point in going back to bed now"

"Good I have a surprise for you"

"For me?" Abby asked, a bit shocked, Marcus was her friend but that was all.

Blushing he replied "Not just for you, for all of you"

" Oh okay"

"If you can get everyone together that would be great,shall I meet you all in your room?"

Abby nodded and headed off to find the others. Passing the dining room she heard noises coming from the kitchen, the sound of things being thrown about caught her ears. Deciding to investigate, she pushed open the doors.

The sight before her made her laugh. Jacob was standing at one end of the kitchen, armed with a dozen eggs. He was soaked through, covered in flour and what looked like ketchup. His eyes were lit with amusement. He looked happy and relaxed.

Leah stood at the other end, broken eggs were scattered all over the floor around her, her hair was matted with the sticky egg, some of it was running down her forehead. She had a look of outrage on her face. She was armed with the biggest ketchup bottle Abby had ever seen, pointing it towards Jacob ready to squeeze.

The whole kitchen looked like a disaster zone, the cupboards and fridge where wide open, every surface was covered. Both party's stood eyeing each other. They ignored Abby as she stood in the doorway laughing.

The tension was beginning to build, the final showdown. Nodding at each other they both flung their arms at the same time, at the last second they turned direction. Abby moved quickly to the right, even given her speed she wasn't quick enough.

The egg splattered right onto her face, running down into her eyes and mouth, the tomato sauce landed with a splat on her chest. She stood there frozen for a second before wiping her eyes clear and glaring at the two culprits.

They all stood staring at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Why exactly are you two throwing food at each other?" she asked

"Just letting off a bit of steam baby" Jacob replied

"Well, Marcus wants us all upstairs, where's everyone else?"

"Calli is in her room, and I think Jarrod and Aiden are in Jarrod's room"

"Okay" said Abby, she rifled through some tea towels on the bench to find some clean ones, and tossed one to Leah then Jacob. Wiping their faces as best they could, they headed upstairs. Knocking on the doors they gathered the troops, when Jarrod looked at her, raising his eyebrow in question she shrugged her shoulders.

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now