Chapter Three

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3 Weeks Later

Abby felt like she couldn’t take any more. Something weird was going on, something weird was happening to her. The weeks since her mother had died had passed slowly, if not painfully. She hadn’t been allowed to go back to her home but as promised her belongings had arrived at Anna’s house the day she arrived.

Anna had been nothing but kind to her, but she knew she was keeping something from her. For the past week there had been strangers calling at the house, in the middle of the night no less. Was there something Anna didn’t want her to find out? Of course it didn’t help that Abby hadn’t left her room in all this time except to eat and go to her mother’s funeral.

She felt completely lost here, her life was no longer her own. There was only Anna here, Abby was grateful for that, she didn't think she could have coped with other kids. She had refused any contact with the few friends she did have, she couldn't take their pitying looks and sympathy. If her mother had still been here it wouldn't have been too long before they moved on anyway.

She was trying to stay calm, she wouldn't want anyone to see her like this anyway. What would she say to people if she lost her temper.

Anna had tried talking to Abby about her little episodes as she called them, what was she supposed to tell her. When she got angry her eyes became red, it felt like fire running through her veins. Her body had recovered within a matter of days, the doctors called it a miracle, Abby felt like a freak.

It wasn't just that though, she felt different. She felt stronger, her emotions seemed to heighten things, her sight and hearing. She was sure she was living in a dream.

Today Anna wanted to discuss going back to school; she just hoped she would be able to go back to her old school so that she could have some sort of normalcy.  Throwing in her I Pod she lay on her bed and closed her eyes. She felt like she was drifting away when a strange sound filtered through her ears, it sounded like footsteps. That’s weird she thought, turning her I Pod off just as she heard the front doorbell ringing. Nobody usually came during the day.

The quiet whispering of a man’s voice reached Abby’s ears. She could hear him perfectly, though how this was possible she didn’t know.

“Good Afternoon Anna I hope all is well”

“Of course Steven, Abby is upstairs, go on into the living room and I will get her”

Abby could distinctly hear this Steven walk into the living room while Anna waked up the stairs. This wasn’t new to Abby although she wasn’t comfortable with it, she could hear a fly in her room if she concentrated. This was so not normal.

Just before Anna could knock Abby swung her bedroom door open.

“Oh Abby we have a guest for dinner will you come and join us?”

 Like she had a choice. “Sure”

Following quietly behind Anna, Abby craned her neck to see if she could spot the visitor. Seated in the chair was a man in his forties, I think. He had short cropped blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a warm smile.

“Good Afternoon Abby my name is Steven Carter it’s nice to meet you.” He said standing up and stretching out his hand.

“Err hi nice to meet you too.”

“Why don’t we all sit down for dinner, it’s just about ready”

Dinner was quiet, Abby kept her head down, she didn’t even look at this Mr. Carter once, and who was he anyway? It wasn't like Anna to entertain guests in front of her.

As soon as dinner was finished Abby rose to clear the table,

“Leave that for now please Abby” Anna said

Clearing her throat “Abby Mr. Carter is here to talk to you about school”

“Why does he need to talk about school, I know where my school is”

Mr. Carter took a breath “Abby I’m the headmaster of a private boarding school, it’s a great school, and it’s for special students like yourself.”

Abby could feel the rage burning through her veins.

“How dare you. First I have to go through losing my mother and my home, and now you want to take my school from me too “

“Abby you’re very talented and special, and if you go to this school you will find out why” Anna said.

“Are you freaking insane” Abby all but shouted, she was so angry; she didn’t care that her eyes would be going red now.

“Abby” Mr. Carter said “I think it’s time you know what you are and we can help you”

Fists clenched screaming “What I am, are you serious, I know what I am I’m a human being”

"Abby calm down" Anna looked at her with pleading eyes.

Abby took deep breaths, slowly unclenched her fists, then looked directly at Mr Carter.

“Err that’s not entirely correct” said Mr. Carter

”What do you mean?”

“Abby” he said softly “You’re a Damphyr, a very special and important one at that.”

Well what could she say to that? She had no idea, but the thought of no longer being human took its toll, her gaze wavered before she passed out on the floor.

When she came round she was lying on the couch, both Anna and Mr Carter were hovering over her. She immediately scooted back, her face filled with shock.

"You two are crazy, I want to speak to my social worker now, I don't want to stay here anymore."

Anna's face fell.

"Please don't be like that Abby. I promise what were telling you is the truth, were trying to help you"

Abby snorted.

"Havn't you noticed anything different about yourself, hearing and seeing thing you should'nt perhaps" added Mr Carter.

"H... How did you know about that" she stuttered.

"Abby I told you, you are special. At my school there are others like you. If you choose to go, you will learn all about your history as well as your self. I promise we mean you no harm. Think about it, Anna will let me know your decision"

Abby could do nothing but nod. This was so bizarre.

After he left she immediately ran to her room and locked the door. Were these people crazy? Was she crazy? They knew something was different about her, what should she do, take the chance and see if this is all real or stay cooped up here forever. She drifted off not knowing the answer.

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now