Chapter Thirty Four

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Hey guys I hope this is okay, I havn't had much spare time at the moment, it kinda feels a bit rushed for me. Never mind, hope you like it. Thanks to all my new and old fans, and thanks for all the lovely comments, it makes me want to keep writing x x x


"Are you serious?" asked Leah

Selena nodded. "I'm afraid so, this is small compared to what it normally is"

Abby went in to panic mode, all these people and she had led the trackers here. They had to leave immediately, she couldn't be responsible for all these people, they would just have to find another way. Abby turned to walk back in to the forest when Marcus grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"Leaving, now, I don't intend to put all these people in danger"

"Abby, what's going on?" asked Leah.

"The trackers are here, they've found us"

"What!" Calli gasped.

"How many?" asked Jacob.

"Two" Julius interrupted " There not far from here, there not here to attack, there watching"

"Yes, until they see an opening and kill all these innocent people"

"Come on Abby, there's only two, we can take them"

Nobody really listened to Jacob, they all knew how headstrong he was, he never liked the idea of walking away from a fight.

"But we've come all this way" Calli looked a bit disappointed, Abby knew she really wanted to meet Magda.

"Okay" Abby sighed "Why don't you guys stay, me and Marcus can try and lure them away from here"

"Don't be to hasty" Julius said " There sitting right now watching, we out number them, if we have a chance we must meet with Magda. Calli, Selena, set wards up around the camp"

The two witches did as he asked without hesitation. Abby felt nervous as she turned to face the crowd beside the fire, they all stood quietly contemplating this new group of strangers. Abby held her head up and strode to the group with confidence.

"Were here to see Magda"

A young man stepped forward. He looked to be about nineteen, he had light brown hair, with matching eyes. He wore a simple black jumper with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his tanned muscular arms. The dark denim of his jeans clung to his legs.

"Join the club" he said gesturing with his arm to enclose the whole camp.

"You don't understand, this is a life or death situation"

Cocking his head, he stared at her for a moment.

"I believe you, but Magda has decided she's not ready for company."

"Shit, are you serious?"

His right eyebrow rose. "We've been here for two days"

Abby couldn't believe this,now was not the time for dramatics's, surely Magda would be willing to see her own daughter.A pair of arms snaked around her waist, a head on her shoulder. Some of her tension eased with Jarrod's touch.

"Hey" Jarrod spoke to the boy.

"Hey, I'm Zack. I was just telling your lady here that we've been here for two days, Magda doesn't seem to be ready for visitors yet"

Before Jarrod could reply the rest of the group joined them, Aiden pushed past the group.

"Zack, is that you?"

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