Chapter Fourteen

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Abby stared at the wreckage that was once a plane,both sorrow and grief grew heavy on her shoulders, she had more death's on her conscious and yet no explanation as to why. She could hear a commotion behind her, it was hard to tear her gaze away from the bright orange flames dancing in the sky, it was only then that she realized she couldn't feel the heat of the fire.

Feeling a touch on her shoulder she looked up to see Jarrod.

"Abby, are you okay?"

Nodding she looked behind her to see Calli in the middle of the group with her hands raised up, she was muttering a spell. Abby could see a dome surrounding them, a force field of some kind. She could see the strain on the young witch's face, she couldn't hold it much longer, they had to put out the flames before they reached them.

Aiden was standing I front of Calli keeping her gaze focused.

"Aiden" she shouted

He barely glanced her way, never losing focus on Calli. Standing up she rushed over, Jarrod hot on her heels. Standing to his side so she wouldn't break their gaze she spoke soft and quick.

"Aiden, you must douse the fire now before it's to late."

With a slight nod of his head he raised his hands in the air. Abby could feel the power radiating from her two friends, it was actually quite scary to think how much power this small group possessed. Jacob and Leah came to join the clustered group, they all unknowingly grabbed each others hands.

Looking out towards the inferno, the sky was beginning to darken. Rain clouds began to gather, looking ominous and threatening, Aiden suddenly let out a cry and the torrent of rain was released. Within minutes the threat had been diminished, the rain stopped just as suddenly as it had began, both Aiden and Calli collapsed to the ground.

The boys helped Aiden gain his footing while the girls rushed to Calli's side, Leah pulled Calli's head onto her lap.

"Oh my god Calli are you okay?"

"Yeah just a bit weak, is everyone safe?"

Abby grabbed her hand.

"Thanks to you they are, that was really quick thinking Calli you saved us all"

Calli blushed at her words.

"It was just instinct"

The bushes to the right suddenly rustled as Mr Carter and the other driver emerged.

"Thank god you kids are okay, we got thrown right through the woods, you all handled this situation really well, I see you have everything under control"

Abby stood from her position to face her headmaster.

"Under control, are you serious? Nothing about this is under control, those pilots lost their life because of me, my friends nearly lost their lives, this is getting out of hand."

"Calm down Abby, this isn't Mr Carter's fault and you know it"

Abby swung to face Jarrod.

"Don't you think I know this is all my fault, do you know how guilty I feel right now, I'm sick of this, I don't even know why this is happening"

Leah rushed to her side wrapping her arms around her.

"Don't be silly Abby, none of this is your fault, were all just as worried as you are, we will help you anyway we can."

Abby squeezed Leah back, she had never felt so overwhelmed in her life, she needed answers and this couldnt wait.

"I'm sorry everyone really I am, Mr Carter is there any other way we can reach the council?"

"Iv'e already contacted them, they are aware of the situation. They believe the quickest and safest way is for us to travel by portal, they are setting one up as we speak."

"Cool" exclaimed Jacob " Didn't,t I tell you this would be an adventure beautiful"

Abby laughed, trust Jacob to find this exciting.

"Okay Mr Carter, what exactly is a portal, and is it safe?"

"Of course it's safe" he scoffed " A portal is a doorway, the council are the only ones power full enough to create one, one that's stable anyway, it's very dangerous to try and attempt one on your own, there are a lot of possible outcomes."

This day was getting more and more biz are, and Abby knew that things were only going to get worse. She suddenly felt a tingling sensation, it was more like a hum vibrating through her body. She turned to her left and the humming sensation grew.

"Well, I guess it's time to go then" she said turning back to the group.

"How could you possibly know that"

"Well Mr Carter I can feel it, it's about to open just there" she pointed towards the spot were the sensation was the strongest.

They all turned in that direction and watched with awe as the air began to shimmer, the portal finally manifested itself. It was like looking at a swimming pool that was the wrong way round.

"Cool, I'm so going first"

Mr Carter cleared his throat.

"Jacob, I will need to enter first, you may follow, Marcus" he gestured towards the driver " will come through last, don't hesitate just walk straight through and I will be waiting."

Without waiting for an answer he walked straight through,making everyone gasp. They all turned to each other to see who would go next. Jacob shrugged his shoulders, turned and followed Mr Carter. 

They all stood in silence as they watched their friend suddenly disappear.

"Me next" said Aiden

Leah and Calli followed. Jarrod grabbed Abby's hand and whispered,

"Let's go together"

She squeezed his hand and took a deep breath before they stepped through, leaving Marcus to follow.

Abby felt a pulling sensation through out her body, it wasn't pain full, but still felt unnatural. Feeling a sudden breeze on her face she saw they had made it safely through. The sight before her made her feel as though they had stepped into another time.

They were standing at the edge of a forest, directly In front of them stood a magnificent castle. It was huge, there was a moat surrounding the whole castle, what awed them the most was the air shimmering around the castle,making it look magical.

"Stand to the side please you two"

Abby and Jarrod stepped to the side, still holding hands. Marcus stepped through the portal, which instantly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Right" said Mr Carter " As you can see we have arrived, this is where the council dwells, you are all very privileged to be here, and I assume you will all show respect"

Everyone nodded there heads.

Mr Carter laughed "Lost for words I see, happens to the best of us, well Abby are you ready, it's time to discover your destiny"

Abby walked past the head teacher and stared at the castle, here she would find some answers, here is where her future would begin.

"More than you will ever know Mr Carter"

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now