Chapter Sixteen

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Abby woke to the sunlight streaming through her window, with a groan she pulled the blanket over her head. She couldn't believe the situation she was in, the guilt was setting in for involving her friends in what now had become the nightmare of her life. Deep down she knew she was falling for Jarrod, but his conflict with Zane was putting a strain on their relationship. Abby knew she didn't really have feelings towards Zane, sure he was a jerk but for some reason she knew he wasn't evil, and the person responsible for those deaths was undoubtedly evil.

Leah's comment last night about her father had disturbed her, surely abandoning her was enough, everyone said he must be power full, but would that justify killing his own daughter. If today went well hopefully she would finally know where she came from, she wished with all her heart that her mother was here with her, she had to trust in that, her mother had told her her father was good and that he had loved them both very much. She had never doubted her mom and she wouldn't start now.

Stretching she walked to the bathroom. Ugh she looked a mess, her skin was pale and the circles under her eyes were so dark she looked like a panda. Deciding on a quick bath she felt herself relax as the heat soaked through to her muscles.

She chose a plain black satin top and a pair of skinny jeans with a pair of flats. Running her fingers through her hair she decided to leave it down for the day.She was rummaging through he make up when Leah popped her head around the door.

"Is it safe to come in?" She asked with a smile.

Abby laughed "Of course, I'm so sorry about yesterday"

Leah walked in and hopped on the sink, she took the make up from her.

"Don't be stupid, now close your eyes, we cant have the council seeing you look like the living dead."

Abby smiled and did as she was told. After Leah had made her look half decent again she left to give her some space, promising to keep the others away until it was time. With a sigh she sat on her bed and waited.

Selena stood outside of Abby's door, she had come to ease the girls thoughts on the ceremony. Steven had told them all of what had happened, she felt sorry for the girl. She had been through so much in such a short time, but she was feisty and very protective of her friends, she liked that. It was unusual for the council to present at this kind of ceremony, under the circumstances they all felt it was for the best. She knocked lightly on the door before entering.

Abby stood as Selena entered. "Is it time?" she asked.

"Not yet, would you walk with me in the gardens?"

"Of course"

Abby followed her through the maze of the castle. Selena stopped at a door which Abby assumed led outside.

"The gardens here are beautiful, and I'm sure some fresh air will make you feel better"

Abby smiled and continued after her. She liked Selena, she seemed like she actually cared, she didn't doubt however that this was a strong woman, not one to get on the bad side of.

Selena was right the gardens were gorgeous, it was a child's dream. There were trees and flowers everywhere, a path wound its way through the foliage. They walked the path in silence, soon they came to the centre. Abby gasped at the sight of the water fountain. The statue in the middle held her gaze, it was of the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Selena led her to a bench before sitting down.

She noticed Abby's gaze was centered on the statue.

"He's something isn't he? This is my private place, I had him put up here about twenty years ago, so I would always be reminded of him"

"Who is he?"

"Just someone who slipped in and out of my life"

Abby laughed "He must have left a lasting impression"

"That he did my dear, now I've brought you here to talk about the ceremony"

"Okay, will it hurt?"

"It shouldn't. Let me start at the beginning. For centuries we have used this ceremony, you will take a drink from the blessed cup, you should feel a tingling sensation, that would be your tattoo appearing, your'e family crest so to speak."

"Oh, is that all, Mr Carter was worried something might happen to me because of my age"

"I'm sure it's nothing Abby. The ritual is normally performed when you are seventeen. You see the majority of children are brought up in this world. They are taught from a young age, by the age of seventeen they have their powers in check and are able to withstand the ceremony, Its not as simple as you think."

"I though I did have my powers in check"

"Oh you have done amazingly well in such a short time, it's just that the ceremony also enhances any dormant powers you may have. Obviously we already know the lineage of those who take the ceremony, we know what to expect, with you however we have no idea"

"So why is it exactly that you do this, I mean what's the point if they already know who their parents are"

"Aah, well I'm sure Calli told you we also have a ceremony, It's a tradition I'm afraid, and the council believe very strongly in traditions"

"So your'e a witch too?"

"Yes I am, the highest I'm afraid. But were not here to discuss me, do you still want to proceed, it is the council's tradition but your choice."

Abby sighed.

"I don't really have a choice do I? I need to know where I came from. I need to find out why someone would want to hurt me, everyone believes this is the answer."

Selena rose "As long as you believe it too my dear"

In the distance there was a sharp clang of a bell. Selena gestured back towards the castle, "It is time"

They moved quickly through the gardens, Abby couldn't believe how graceful Selena was, she actually looked like she was floating. As they neared the dining hall the nerves began to kick in, she began twisting her hands in earnest.

Her friends were all waiting for her.

"Morning sexy, you ready to get this party started?"

Abby laughed "Jacob, I'm always ready" she said with a wink.

Leah and Calli pushed their way forward, pulling her into a hug.

"We'll be here waiting for you, everything will be fine"

Abby was stunned "Your'e not coming with me?"

"This ceremony is for Damphyr's only Abby" Selena said softly

Jarrod gently took her hand, "If you want me too, I can come with you"

"Okay, well I guess I will see you guys later"

Jacob put his arm around her "Me and Aiden will be with the girls, don't worry, it's easy and Jarrod will be there to hold your hand"

Abby gently pushed him away, grabbing Jarrod's hand she gave them one last smile.

"I'm ready, let's go"

Selena led her and Jarrod to another door as she was about to push it open a thought occurred to her.

"Wait, what's in the blessed cup, you never said"

Jarrod and Selena exchanged looks, making Abby feel even more nervous.

"It's the blood of the ancients dear"

Blood, did she say blood, oh my god when she finally found out who her father was she was going to kill him for this. Taking a deep breath she pushed forward, ready to take on whatever was behind that door.


Okay so hope you liked it, in the next chapter she finally gets to meet the rest of the council, am looking forward to writing that. Please comment, vote or fan. Let me know what you think, should I go on? I would also like to thank XmagicX for my new cover, Thank you x x x

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